Combining Qualitative and Quantitative Methodologies in Research on Teachers’ Lives, Work, and Effectiveness: From Integration to Synergy
From Section:
Research Methods
Sep. 16, 2008
Source: Educational Researcher, Vol. 37, No. 6, 330-342 (2008)
The authors examine how a mixed-methods research team designed and conducted a 4-year study that tracked 300 teachers in 100 schools in England over a 3-year fieldwork period.
The authors discuss processes that led to new knowledge. Although mixed methods are becoming more popular, few published accounts describe in detail how researchers have moved beyond the use and integration of mixed methods to arrive at more synergistic understandings.
The authors consider the advantage of synergistic approaches and combination of a greater range of data, resulting in more nuanced, authentic accounts and explanations of complex realities.
Updated: Nov. 09, 2021
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