If Multicultural Science Education Standards’ Existed, What Would They Look Like?
From Section:
Multiculturalism & Diversity
Dec. 20, 2008
Source: Journal of Science Teacher Education, Volume 19, Number 6 / December 2008, pages 547-564
The intersection between science teacher education and multiculturalism has produced a considerable amount of research in the science education community. According to current science teacher preparation literature, this article suggests an initial set of multicultural science education standards for science methods course instructors of preservice teachers.
These standards include dialogic conversation, authentic activities, reflexivity, ability, committed practice, and knowing. Included in the discussion of each standard is an activity or lesson that a science methods course instructor can implement.
Updated: Aug. 01, 2018
Link to Item: http://education.eng.macam.ac.il/article/1099