Improving Preservice Middle Grades Science Teachers’ Understanding of the Nature of Science Using Three Instructional Approaches

From Section:
Beginning Teachers
Apr. 21, 2009

Source: Journal of Science Teacher Education, Volume 20, Number 2 / April 2009, pages 157-177.

The purpose of this study was to examine changes in preservice teachers’ understanding of the nature of science (NOS) as a result of four activity-based interventions.
These interventions represent three instructional approaches used in a middle grades science methods course. 10 participants’ understanding of NOS and their perceptions about the activity-based interventions were investigated.
Data were collected using open-ended questionnaires and in-depth interviews before and after the interventions.
Written artifacts and recorded group discussions were collected during the interventions.
The results of this study showed that inclusion of various approaches to teaching NOS can contribute to developing preservice teachers’ understanding of NOS.
The activities complemented each other in the teaching of the NOS components.
In addition, the preservice teachers perceived that the four interventions were helpful in improving their understanding of NOS and in preparing them for future teaching.

Updated: Sep. 12, 2021
Instruction effectiveness | Intervention | Middle school teachers | Pedagogical content knowledge | Preservice teachers | Science teachers