Enhancing Pedagogical Content Knowledge in Elementary Science

From Section:
Instruction in Teacher Training
Sep. 30, 2009

Source: Teaching Education, Volume 20, Issue 3 September 2009, p. 229 – 242.

In this study, five elementary teachers and a university researcher developed and implemented problem-based learning (PBL) experiences in the context of science teaching and learning.

Collaborative inquiry was adopted as a methodology. In addition, a variety of qualitative methods were used to examine the engagement and development of teachers' pedagogical content knowledge (PCK).

A PCK model is used as a framework to examine teachers' professional knowledge growth in areas such as orientations to teaching science, knowledge of science curriculum, knowledge of students' understanding of science, knowledge of assessment, and knowledge of instructional strategies.

Implications for how teachers may be supported when adopting instructional innovations are discussed.

Updated: Jan. 17, 2017
Elementary school teachers | Pedagogical content knowledge | Problem-based learning (PBL) | Science education | Teaching methods | University - school collaboration