Using Performance-Based Assessments to Prepare Safe Science Teachers

From Section:
Assessment & Evaluation
Dec. 20, 2009

Source: Journal of Science Teacher Education, Volume 20, Number 6 / December 2009, pages 495-500.

Standard 9 of the National Science Teachers Association Standards for Science Teacher Preparation is designed to ensure that science teacher preparation programs provide preservice science teachers with the knowledge and skills to understand and successfully engage students in a safe and ethical manner.

This standard contains four components describing science teachers’ legal and ethical responsibilities, appropriate use of instructional materials (chemicals in particular), emergency procedures and safety equipment, and guidelines for proper use of living organisms in the classroom.

In this article, the authors describe the requirements of Standard 9. The authors also provide guidance on assessments that can be used to present evidence for preservice teachers’ competence in each of the four components.

Updated: May. 17, 2022
Guidelines | Knowledge base | National standards | Performance based assessment | Science education | Science teachers | Teacher education curriculum | Teaching