Preparing Preservice English Teachers and School Counselor Interns for Future Collaboration

From Section:
Instruction in Teacher Training
Jun. 20, 2010

Source: Teaching Education, Volume 21, Issue 2 (June 2010), pages 185 – 197.

The authors believe that by working together, teachers and school counselors can better support students and more effectively work for their success.

In this paper, the authors present their efforts in creating a collaborative class for preservice English teachers and school counselor interns.

While offering an overview of English teachers and school counselors in their daily interactions with adolescents, the authors focus on the university preparation of both groups. The authors focus specifically on the preparation at the authors’ university, a large research institution in the Midwestern United States.

The authors provide a look at the collaborative class created for the preservice English teachers and school counselor interns, offering examples of their interaction and feedback from the students.

Finally, the authors close with a consideration of the meaning of such collaboration at the university level for both English teachers and school counselors.

Updated: Jan. 17, 2017
English | Partnerships in education | Preservice teacher education | Program effectiveness | School counselors | Teachers | Training methods