The Importance of Collegiality and Reciprocal Learning in the Professional Development of Beginning Teachers

From Section:
Assessment & Evaluation
Aug. 15, 2010

Source: Journal of Education for Teaching, Volume 36, Issue 3, p. 277 – 289. (August 2010).
This article discusses factors that enhance induction experiences for beginning teachers.
The paper reports the findings from case studies that explore the impact of new entrants to the teaching profession in Scotland.

The data suggest that the most supportive induction processes mix both formal and informal elements. However, the data indicate that the informal elements such as collegiality, good communication and a welcoming workplace environment should not be underestimated.

The study also highlights the potential benefits of a more collegiate environment for teachers across the career phases. Experienced teachers and new entrants had a range of experience to offer each other, thus creating more cohesive professional working which was supportive of early career teachers while encouraging reflection on practice among the more experienced professionals.

Updated: Nov. 09, 2021
Beginning teachers | Collegiality | Experienced teachers | Interpersonal communication | Professional development | Teaching conditions