Understanding Change through a High School Mathematics Teacher’s Journey to Inquiry-Based Teaching

From Section:
Professional Development
Dec. 10, 2010

Source: Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education, Volume 13, Number 6, 445-458. (December, 2010).

The current paper focuses on an experienced high school mathematics teacher who changed her practice without participating in planned interventions aimed at producing this change.

The article reports on the nature of the teacher’s change from her perspective and an interpretation and understanding of the change from the researcher’s perspective.
The paper illustrates how meaningful change can occur when the process is initiated and rooted in the teacher’s experience based on a tension in self and/or practice that is personal and real to him or her.

The article discusses three types of change that are possible depending on the level of engagement of the teacher in professional development opportunities: instrumental change, conceptual change, and foundational change.

Updated: May. 17, 2022
Education practice | Educational change | Experienced teachers | Inquiry | Mathematics teachers | Professional development | Secondary school teachers