Literacy Coaching and Reading First ‘Redelivery’: A Discourse Analysis

From Section:
Instruction in Teacher Training
Jun. 21, 2010

Source: Teacher Development, Volume 14, Issue 2, (2010) pages 253-268.

In the United States, the federal government No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 mandates reading instruction at the early primary grade levels.

This study focused on a crucial component of literacy coaches’ professional lives – the redelivery of professional development in Reading First, in order to understand what it means to redeliver state‐mandated curriculum change.

The authors interviewed two literacy coaches in the Georgia Reading First curriculum model about how they redelivered professional development.
The authors used a social constructivist perspective and discourse analysis to explore how two literacy coaches operated.

The coaches negotiate competing discursive forces, frame success and represent their practices in different and complex ways despite the assumed uniformity of Reading First redelivery.

Updated: Jan. 17, 2017
Coaching | Constructivism (Learning) | Discourse analysis | Elementary schools | Federal legislation | Literacy