Artefacts and Utilization Schemes in Mathematics Teacher Education: Place Value in Early Childhood Education

From Section:
Instruction in Teacher Training
Apr. 10, 2011

Source: Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education , Volume 14, Number 2, 93-112. (April, 2011).
In this article, the author discusses a case of pre-primary and primary school teacher education concerning place value in number representation.

The purpose of this study is to report on tasks given in a four-session workshop for 27 prospective pre-primary and primary school teachers in Italy.
In this workshop, the use of artefacts in learning place value in base ten was tackled, within a suitable theoretical framework.

Different sessions of the workshop are analysed, focusing on tasks related to different components of mathematics knowledge for teaching.
Effectiveness for professional growth is reported, quoting documents written by students and by external evaluators.

Updated: Jan. 17, 2017
Early childhood education | Mathematics instruction | Primary schools | Teacher education | Workshops