The Multiple Meanings of Play: Exploring Preservice Teachers' Beliefs About a Central Element of Early Childhood Education
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Preservice Teachers
Oct. 01, 2010
Source: Journal of Early Childhood Teacher Education, Vol. 31, Iss. 4, 2010, pages 322-343.
This study investigates preservice teachers' beliefs about what constitutes play.
Research for this study focused on 7 preservice teachers enrolled in an early childhood through Grade 4 practicum course at a small private university in south central Texas.
The findings indicate that both on an individual and group level the 7 preservice teachers seemed to believe that play had multiple meanings.
However based on the influences that had shaped their beliefs, each of the these preservice teachers seem to have an individualized meaning of the play consisting of multiple parts.
Updated: Jan. 17, 2017
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