Using a Computerized Classroom Simulation to Prepare Pre-Service Teachers

From Section:
Instruction in Teacher Training
Jan. 01, 2011

Source: Journal of Technology and Teacher Education, Volume 19, Issue 1, January 2011, 93-110.

The main purpose of this study was to examine the effectiveness of simSchool in improving participants’ scores in teacher preparation and attitudes toward inclusion.

The study was conducted at a large midwestern university.

The project used a nonequivalent comparison group, quasi-experimental design.
The Effective Inclusion Instrument and Teacher Preparation Survey were used to gather research data.
Additionally, data were collected regarding the instructional delivery method of the simulation training, comparing face-to-face training sessions with watching online videos.

Findings revealed that students who participated in the teaching simulation scored higher on the teacher preparation survey and valued simulations and computer games more.

Updated: Oct. 04, 2018
Inclusion | Instruction effectiveness | Preservice teacher education | Special education | Student attitudes | Video technology | Web-based instruction