Teacher Professional Development Focusing on Pedagogical Content Knowledge

From Section:
Professional Development
Feb. 01, 2012

Source: Educational Researcher, 41(1): 26-28, January/February 2012.

Pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) includes teachers’ understanding of how students learn, or fail to learn, specific subject matter.
Hence, professional development programs should focus on the development of PCK.

The research literature clearly indicates the complex nature of PCK as a form of teachers’ professional knowledge that is highly topic, person, and situation specific.
This implies that professional development programs should be closely aligned to teachers’ professional practice.

In addition, these programs should include opportunities to enact certain instructional strategies and to reflect, individually and collectively, on their experiences.

Updated: Nov. 17, 2019
Education practice | Educational strategies | Pedagogical content knowledge | Policy analysis | Professional development | Teacher knowledge