Learner-generated Digital Video: Using Ideas Videos in Teacher Education
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ICT & Teaching
Jul. 01, 2013
Source: Journal of Technology and Teacher Education Volume 21, No. 3, July 2013, p. 321-336.
This qualitative study investigates the efficacy of Ideas Videos (or iVideos) in pre-service teacher education.
This study explores the experiences of student teachers and their lecturer engaging with this succinct, advocacy-style video genre designed to evoke emotions about powerful ideas in Education.
The findings indicate this generative task, involving student teachers as filmmakers, leveraged rich outcomes in relation to their professional knowledge development.
The study adds to the growing literature base espousing the significant roles of learner-generated digital video projects in teacher education.
Updated: Sep. 16, 2018
Link to Item: http://education.eng.macam.ac.il/article/3444