Learning to Teach Teachers

From Section:
Teacher Educators
Feb. 11, 2014

Source: Teaching Education, Volume 25, Issue 1, 2014, pages 99-124

This article reports on a study of the practices of a cohort of traditionally appointed teacher educators with the responsibility for facilitating teacher learning and learning teaching.

The approach used in this investigation involved a practice-to-theory field experience (PTE), a reflective paper analyzing the PTE, and a shared set of readings on pedagogy for facilitating teacher learning and learning teaching with the PTE as context.

The participants in this study were 21 students enrolled in an education doctorate program at a Research I university in the Western United States.
The findings from the study revealed that the number of years of experience as a teacher educator was not related to competence or effectiveness.

Updated: Dec. 19, 2019
Doctoral programs | Field experiences | Learning to teach | Reflection | Teacher educators