Claiming the Political: The Forgotten Terrain of Teacher Leadership Knowledge

From Section:
Theories & Approaches
Feb. 25, 2012

Source: Action in Teacher Education, Volume 34, Issue 1, 2012, p. pages 2-13

This paper argues that teacher education curricula should include leadership knowledge.
The authors discuss the political realities that affect teachers.
They also discuss how these realities are best met with teacher leadership knowledge.

They claim that knowledge of leadership would enable teachers to label what they see and do.
Such knowledge would help teachers understand and navigate the micropolitical environments of their work and, therefore, make more informed actions to improve schooling for all and correct some of our democratic injustices as they relate to education more broadly.

The paper presents examples of three kinds of teacher leadership practices: managerial, professional development, and social responsibility.
In conclusion, the authors propose opportunities for the teaching profession to reclaim its pedagogical and curricular knowledge and to understand its own acts of leadership.

Updated: Dec. 19, 2019
Leadership | Pedagogical content knowledge | Preservice teachers | Professional development | Teacher education programs | Teaching as a profession