Popular Visual Images and the (Mis)Reading of Black Male Youth: A Case for Racial Literacy in Urban Preservice Teacher Education

From Section:
Multiculturalism & Diversity
Feb. 10, 2015

Source: Teaching Education, Volume 26, Issue 1, 2015 , pages 55-76

In the majority of public schools across the nation, Black male youth are undergoing what can be deemed as “educational genocide” – the killing off of any chances for an equitable education.
This dramatically decreases opportunities for Black male youth to develop into fully participating citizens in a democratic society.
Preservice teachers often take their cue for how to treat Black male students from existing stereotypes about Black males and media representations of them.

The authors argue for the development of racial literacy in preservice teacher education programs as a pedagogical method to mitigate the misreading of Black male students in teacher candidates’ fieldwork experiences and subsequently in their future classrooms.
Their argument operates from the premise that in a time when diversity, multiculturalism, and inclusion are more widely recognized than ever before, the notion of race, and popular education films that depict race, still influence how teacher candidates view Black male students, and race remains a predictor for how these students experience school.

Updated: Dec. 07, 2019
African American students | Literacy | Preservice teachers | Race | Stereotypes | Student attitudes | Teaching methods