Pre-Service Teacher Training in Classroom Management: A Review of State Accreditation Policy and Teacher Preparation Programs

From Section:
Instruction in Teacher Training
May. 03, 2014

Source: Teacher Education and Special Education, 37(2), May 2014, p. 106-120

This article describes the number of states with state policy that requires pre-service teachers to receive instruction in evidence-based classroom management practices.
It also describes the extent to which teacher preparation programs provide this instruction for pre-service teachers.

The results of this review indicate that although effective classroom management practices have been identified, a significant gap exists between the effective classroom management research base and requirements for teacher training.
As a result, many pre-service teachers may not be prepared to effectively manage student behavior upon completion of a teacher preparation program due to a lack of exposure to classroom management content.

Updated: Nov. 09, 2019
Accreditation | Classroom techniques | Education policies | Preservice teachers | Student behavior | Teacher education programs