Learning To Teach Mathematics And To Analyze Teaching Effectiveness: Evidence From A Video- And Practice-Based Approach
From Section:
Theories & Approaches
Dec. 01, 2014
Source: Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education, Volume 17, Issue 6, pp 491-514, December 2014
This study examines the impact of a video- and practice-based course on prospective teachers’ mathematics classroom practices and analysis of their own teaching.
Two groups of elementary prospective teachers participated in the study—one attended the course and one did not.
Findings reveal that the course assisted participants in making student thinking visible and in pursuing it further during instruction and in conducting evidence-based analyses of their own teaching. Conclusions discuss the importance of teaching these skills systematically during teacher preparation.
Updated: Apr. 26, 2022
Link to Item: http://education.eng.macam.ac.il/article/4160