Individualized Clinical Coaching in the TLE TeachLivE Lab: Enhancing Fidelity of Implementation of System of Least Prompts Among Novice Teachers of Students With Autism

From Section:
Instruction in Teacher Training
Feb. 15, 2016

Source: Teacher Education and Special Education , Volume 39, No. 1, February 2016; pp. 47–59

One of the challenges facing educators who teach students with autism spectrum disorders is implementing evidence-based practices (EBPs) with fidelity. One EBP used to help such learners in acquiring targeted behavioral or academic skills is prompting.

In this study, the authors examine the efficacy of individualized clinical coaching (ICC) of least-to-most prompting (also referred to as system-of-least prompts [SLP]) in the TLE TeachLivE™ simulationreality teaching and learning environment (TLE). Participants included six novice educators enrolled in a graduate special education course that focused on EBPs for teaching learners with autism. Results suggest that ICC in TLE was effective in increasing the fidelity of implementation of the participants’ use of SLP.

Updated: Dec. 10, 2019
Autism | Beginning teachers | Coaching | Efficacy | Students’ disabilities