Wearable Cameras as a Tool to Capture Preservice Teachers’ Marked and Recorded Noticing

From Section:
Instruction in Teacher Training
Jul. 01, 2016

Source: Journal of Technology and Teacher Education Volume 24, Number 3, July 2016

The present study utilized an innovative methodological approach to capture the noticing of preservice teachers using wearable cameras while they were in an introspective position within the elementary classroom context.

Findings indicate that differences exist in the ability for preservice teachers to mark noticing as compared to practicing teachers. In instances when preservice teachers marked in-the-moment noticing while wearing the cameras, they often assumed an analytical stance for noticing that was more advanced than what would be expected from preservice teachers. This evidence shows promise for wearable video technology in supporting teacher educators’ understandings of what preservice teachers notice. Implications for practices within teacher education and research methodologies are discussed.

Updated: Dec. 12, 2019
Educational technology | Preservice teachers | Teacher educators | Video technology