Skill Based Teacher Education in Blended Learning Scenarios

From Section:
Instruction in Teacher Training
Feb. 01, 2017
February 2017

Source: Journal of the European Teacher Education Network, Vol.12, 73-82, 2017

(Reviewed by the Portal Team)

This article describes a project, which focuses on supporting competencies, which foster the ability to act in school settings by using a blended-learning scenario.

The participants were 44 students in fourth to sixth term on their way to become Physical Education teachers for primary or secondary school.
They were accompanied by a university advisor, attended lessons at primary and secondary schools in the city of Leipzig.
The participants were divided to eight groups.
Seven groups used the blended learning scenario, including video analysis and working on an online platform (Moodle 2.0). Seven guided group interviews were conducted.
One group could not be interviewed and had to accomplish the practical training course without the blended learning scenario.

The authors conclude that this project combines theoretical and practical learning by repeatedly putting students into situation, which let them prepare lessons based on their didactical knowledge, give lessons at school and reflect on them both independently as well as cooperatively in an online environment (Moodle 2.0).
The authors indicate that the competencies that are intended to be fostered are reflective competence and media competence in order to support students’ ability to act in school settings.
During the process of this blended learning scenario, students tend to blend self-reflection and the reflection of others.

In addition, students gain new awareness and knowledge by dealing with their own video material as well as material of others.
By doing this in different places and in groups even independent and cooperative learning processes are being fostered. Based on a design-based research further modifications of the project are taking place.
Guidelines, video tutorials and online learning environments are being regularly revised.
It is also intended to link this methodology with other areas of student teacher training.
This could be in other practical trainings but also in other subjects.
Finally, a transfer to pre-service and in-service teacher training is intended. 

Updated: May. 23, 2021
Blended learning | Physical education | Primary teachers | Secondary school teachers | Student teachers | Teacher education