5 Things You Can Do with the International Portal of Teacher Education (Webinar recording)

From Section:
Professional Development
Nov. 23, 2020
November 23, 2020

The International Portal of Teacher Education was created by The MOFET Institute’s International Channel, and serves thousands of users.
This academic content portal in the field of teaching and teacher education has existed on the web since 2008.
It directs you to updates on research in teacher education and teaching and collects significant content in the field.
By doing so helps you cope with information overload. 

You are invited to watch a special webinar describing the Portal's uses and features in a datailed and constructive presentation by the Portals' project manager & academic coordinator, Penny Barsimantov.
For those who are not familiar with the Portal, we will introduce its content and the way it is processed and made accessible to our readers.
For those who are already familiar with it, we will present ways to use the Portal as a platform for participation in a global professional community and for online publishing

Updated: Jan. 27, 2022
Databases | Online community | Teacher education | Teacher educators | Teacher training