Mentoring and being mentored: The story of a novice music teacher's success

From Section:
Mentoring & Supervision
Apr. 15, 2008

Source: Teaching and Teacher Education , Volume 24, Issue 3, April 2008, P. 635-648

This qualitative study examined the growth of Jelani, a failing novice teacher who successfully received tenure following his third year of teaching. His progress seemed related to the quality of his relationships with different mentors. An unanticipated factor in Jelani's success was his participation in a university-based program for children, where he served, under supervision, as a mentor for two preservice teachers. In what became a mutually beneficial relationship, Jelani reinforced his new-found knowledge and skills and learned to better describe and assess his own teaching. Among those who worked with Jelani, additional reciprocal mentoring relationships developed.


Updated: Nov. 06, 2019
Mentor skills | Mentoring | Teacher education | Teacher evaluation | Teacher skills