Teacher's Myers-Briggs Personality Profiles: Identifying Effective Teacher Personality Traits
Source: Teaching and Teachers Education, Volume 33, Issue, May 2007, Page 432-441.
The Myers-Briggs Type Inventory (MBTI) and Beiderman Risk Taking (BRT) scale were administered to 58 teachers living in the state of Florida, USA. These teachers are considered part of prestigious group of educators who were nominated into the Florida League of Teachers by their superintendents/directors.
Descriptive data includes frequency and percentage of response for each Type Indicator and for each combination of Type Indicators. Furthermore, a χ2 statistic showed that the sample of 58 Florida League of Teacher recipients were significantly different from two comparison groups of elementary school teachers (N=804, 189). In this study, significant differences (p<.01) occurred with the ENFP and the ENFJ combined profile types. Additionally, the significant results (p<.01) occurring for the combined ENFP type contradicts the typical ISFJ type as reported in other research characteristic of other American elementary educators.