State Literacy Plans : Incorporating Adolescent Literacy

From Section:
Instruction in Teacher Training
Apr. 20, 2008
Spring 2008

Source: Harvard Educational ReviewVolume 78, Issue 1, Spring 2008

In this article, the authors describe professional development institutes offered in 2001 and 2002 by the Harvard Graduate School of Education and the National Governors Association Center for Best Practices to familiarize state-level policymakers with research on adolescent literacy and to guide states’ development of effective literacy plans.

The authors then review the literacy plans that four of the participating states developed in the years following their institute involvement and discuss ways in which the content of the literacy institutes is reflected in these states’ plans. In conclusion, the authors call on higher education institutions to help state policymakers develop and evaluate initiatives intended to increase adolescents’ reading skills.
They also call for broader cross-state comparisons of states’ strategies for improving adolescent literacy.

Updated: Nov. 12, 2020
Adolescent literacy | Adolescents’ reading skills | Institute involvement | Literacy | Policymakers | Programs