A Comparison of Web-Based Concept Mapping Tasks for Alternative Assessment in Distance Teacher Education
Source: Journal of Computing in Teacher Education, Volume 24, Number 3, Spring 2008
Publisher: Department of curriculum and Instruction Center for Technology in Learning and Teaching
Three sections of the same distance education class completed a series of Web-based concept map assessments using one of two methods. Open-ended maps applied in section 1 led students to conduct more relational thinking overall, but variance in map items was very high introducing more subjectivity in scoring.
Pre-selected term mapping applied in sections 2–3 led students to correctly classify many concepts and express proper relationships compared to an instructor’s map. Identifying expected concept sets from the instructor’s maps caused students some difficulty. The high volume of readings associated with the task appeared to further this problem. Students touted many benefits of mapping, including synthesizing and connecting course material, reading more intentionally, and thinking critically.