Examining the Instructional Design of a Technology Enhanced Course for New Mentor Teachers

Jan. 20, 2009

Source: Journal of Technology and Teacher Education, Volume 17, Issue 1, January 2009. p. 85-107.

To be effective, teacher education programs need to engage teachers in learning as professionals. This includes learning experiences grounded in classroom practice and guidance to develop as professionals. This guidance will enable teachers to take on roles of leaders and mentors in their classrooms and in partnerships with universities.
New web-based communication tools such as real-time video conferencing and blogs have the potential to improve the connection between universities and classrooms. An innovative course for new mentor teachers was designed to guide teacher learning, encourage collaboration, and support partnerships. A total of 23 teachers participated across 2 semesters. Analysis examined instructional design based on constructs for teacher learning and features of web-based tools. Analysis indicates tools were used in ways that would give teachers control of timing, content, and audience and teachers needed transitional structure and guidance to fully and thoughtfully participate in these types of tasks.

Updated: Apr. 20, 2009
