Advancing Early Literacy Learning for All Children: Implications of the NELP Report for Dual-Language Learners

May. 10, 2010

Source: Educational Researcher, 39(4): 334-339. (May 2010).

In this article, the authors examine the implications and limitations of the National Early Literacy Panel report on the early care of young children who are dual-language learners.

The authors explore the relevance of the report for dual-language learners.
In particular, the authors examine the practice in this and other national synthesis reports of extrapolating implications for the education of young dual-language learners based on a broader population of children.

The paper addresses the existing gaps in knowledge about literacy practices—knowledge that is central to the development of sound and appropriate educational policies and practices that support dual-language learners’ full development as language and literacy learners.

Updated: Jul. 05, 2011
