Preservice Teachers’ Perspectives of the Emphasis on Stewardship from Their Initial Teacher Preparation

Oct. 01, 2013

Source: Action in Teacher Education, Volume 35, Issue 5-6, 2013, pages 344-353

The current study examined perceptions of future teachers as to the degree to which their teacher preparation program emphasized the idea of stewarding schools.
In addition this article outlines specific emerging aspects of the stewardship construct that can be integrated into teacher education curricula.

With a theoretical foundation that initial teacher preparation provides the foundation for teacher beliefs and practices, gaining insight how teacher preparation emphasizes the stewardship of schools provides a better understanding of the current milieu in schools.
Results of this study and follow-up research will allow for a fuller discussion around the stewardship of schools and will inform those who prepare teachers to work in our nation's schools.

Updated: Nov. 24, 2014
