An Investigation into Higher Education Student and Lecturer Views on Research Publication and their Interest in the Production of a College Partnership Science Journal

Jul. 01, 2015

Source: Innovations in Education and Teaching International, Volume 52, Issue 3, 2015, pages 265-276

The main purpose of this research was to investigate students’ views of using published research and their attitudes towards the research activities of their lecturers.
Although this has been examined often in university settings the focus here was on science students undertaking foundation degrees in Further Education Colleges (FECs).
A secondary aim was to examine the feasibility of developing a journal for the college partnership which would enable staff and students to submit manuscripts.

Data were collected through open question questionnaires at three FECs in one college partnership. Furthermore, attitudes were sought through homogeneous focus groups with science students and staff at colleges within one college partnership.

Lecturers and students showed strong support for the proposal. Students indicated that lecturers who had published would be seen as more credible and would link their research activity to the learning experience more effectively. Students believed that the possibility of publishing their work in such a journal would be a wonderful opportunity which would make them work harder. Staff saw the journal as an opportunity to publish work they had undertaken for postgraduate qualifications and encourage them to seek other research opportunities. It now needs strategic investigation regarding the practicalities of producing such a journal.

Updated: Mar. 30, 2016
