Source: Mentoring & Tutoring: Partnership in Learning, Volume 23, Issue 4, 2015, Pages 328-340
The purpose of this study was to develop and validate a scale to assess peer mentoring practices that aim to enhance learning.
In the development process, 4 focus group interviews were conducted with 10 mentors and 12 mentees who participated in 8 weeks of peer mentoring.
In addition to the literature, the findings from interviews were used to develop items. The 11- item form was administered to 126 college students. After the confirmatory factor analysis, the scale took on its final form with 10 items in 3 factors as Contribution to Mentee, Mentor Characteristics, and Peer Relationships. The results of confirmatory analysis were: GFI .92, CFI .99, NNFI .98, RMSEA .080, and Cronbach α coefficient was found to be .954.