Source: Contemporary Issues in Technology & Teacher Education, 16(2), 127-150. (2016).
(Reviewed by the Portal Team)
In this paper, the authors describe a new, free resource for continuous video assessment named YouDemo. This tool enables real time rating of uploaded YouTube videos for use in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education and beyond. The authors discuss the discrepancies between preservice science teachers’ assessments of self- and peer-created videos using the tool.
These discrepancies were identified from over 900 assessments of 170 videos, with over 131 unique users. Included in this data set is a 2-year study focusing on 27 preservice science teachers (from a 5-year study of 76 total science preservice teachers) and their use of the tool. Data were collected through both quantitative (numerical scores) and qualitative data (open-ended questions) from the 27 participants.
The findings reveal that preservice teachers, who used the YouDemo, engaged in reflection and discussion on a deeper level than traditional means of pedagogical skill building in the classroom. Furthermore, preservice teachers perceived continuous video rating beneficial in enabling video assessment, promoting critical thinking, and increasing engagement the authors found that based on the discrepancies we found in peer and self-evaluations.
The authors conclude that free, continuous, focused video assessment broadened educational peer critique and self-reflection in STEM preservice teachers.
In addition, video evaluators focused on and equated noncontent-based properties (e.g., sound and image quality) to higher quality videos, and these properties differed depending on viewing context. Finally, using YouDemo promoted two key behaviors: (a) reflection from the evaluator and the video creator, and (b) the social-propagation of self-created and peer-assessed media.
This study confirms that a broadening of peer critiques using YouDemo enables more reflection of self and others. Secondly, video properties, like presentation skills and mastery of content, overlap with traditional classroom skills, and attention to these details in media shared on YouDemo is as important as the skills seen in K-20 classrooms and in standards such as the Next Generation Science Standards and Common Core.