Jan. 27, 2009
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MOFET ITEC Portal Newsletter

Dear Subscriber,

We are sending you the latest issue of The MOFET ITEC Portal resource list with new articles published in academic journals that focus on teacher education, pedagogy and instruction.

In accordance with our tradition of marking international days concerning education, today the world community commemorates the annual International Day of Commemoration in Memory of the Victims of the Holocaust.
In this regard, the United Nations' General Assembly urged Member States to develop educational programmes that will inculcate future generations with the lessons of the Holocaust.

Wishing you interesting and enjoyable reading,

The MOFET ITEC Portal Team

January 27, 2009 International Portal of Teacher Education
January 2009
Featured Items
Mentoring Beginning Teachers: What We Know and What We Don't
This article reports the findings of a review of the international research literature on mentoring beginning teachers. Research identifies a range of potential benefits and costs associated with mentoring. It suggests that the key to maximizing the former and minimizing the latter lies in the realization of a number of conditions for successful mentoring, such as the effective selection and preparation of mentors.
Professional Development Design: Embedding Educational Reform in New Zealand
Teacher professional development variously supports ongoing skill development, new knowledge, and systems change. In New Zealand, the implementation of major assessment reforms in senior secondary schools provided opportunity to investigate teacher professional development as a function of the particular stage of an educational reform. Multi-method data sources revealed a positive relationship between professional satisfaction and teacher involvement in setting priorities for the professional development.
What and How Do Student Teachers Learn during School-Based Teacher Education
This study looks at how student teachers learn to teach during school-based teacher education. It explores the changes that occurred in the practical theories of the student teachers and how the student teachers made these modifications. The study's findings show that all student teachers developed broad, well-structured practical theories that focused on pupils' learning processes. Their learning processes displayed considerable individual variation.
Pre-Service and In-Service Teachers' Metacognitive Knowledge about Problem-Solving Strategies
The present study aimed to examine pre-service and in-service teachers' metacognitive knowledge about the frequency, efficacy, and facility of applying different problem-solving strategies in different kind of problems. This study based on the methodology presented in the research of Antonietti, A., Ignazi, S., & Perego, P. (2000).A sample of 338 in-service teachers (172) and pre-service teachers (166) participated in the study. The results are in accordance with Antonietti, A., Ignazi, S., & Perego, P. (2000). Metacognitive knowledge about problem-solving methods.
Views on Using Portfolio in Teacher Education
The usage of portfolio methods to document professional development in teaching is increasing in Germany, but despite its proliferation, the issue of how the effects of portfolio methods can be determined has received little attention. In this two-part study, the attitudes of both pre-service teachers and teacher educators toward portfolio are investigated and an attempt is made to identify the effects of portfolio on the competences and attitudes of the pre-service teachers. Results suggest that the efficiency of the portfolio method depends both on personal competences and on the framing within the training program.
Catalyzing Student–Teacher Interactions and Teacher Learning in Science Practical Formative Assessment with Digital Video Technology
This paper reports how a teacher–researcher partnership examined a biology teacher's existing pedagogical practices. Furthermore, the paper attempted, through a task design innovation, to create the circumstances under which more interactive and emergent assessment for learning practices could flourish in her classroom. This work involved the use of digital video playback technology as the trigger or catalyst for reflection on concrete experiences by the teacher and her students to occur. Results suggest that the digital video innovation brought about changes in student–teacher interactions in science practical work and assisted the teacher in reflecting on her professional learning.
Melioration as a Higher Thinking Skill of Future Intelligence
This paper examines the characteristics of the thinking skill the authors call “melioration” i.e., the competence to borrow a concept from a field of knowledge supposedly far removed from his or her domain, and adapt it to a pressing challenge in an area of personal knowledge or interest. This paper relates melioration to existing theories of intelligence, taking the position that human cognitive/intellectual functioning is in part the ability to learn or think in the framework of familiar systemic concepts, and in part the ability to learn or think with new systemic concepts that are then available for future application.
January 2009
All Recent Items
Multiculturalism & Diversity

Social Competence as An Educational Goal: The Role of The Ethnic Composition and The Urban Environment of The School
Multicultural Education: Raj's Story Using A Curricular Conceptual Lens of The Particular

Professional Development

Measuring the Professional Identity of Hong Kong In-Service Teachers
Online Professional Development: Combining Best Practices from Teacher, Technology and Distance Education
Mentoring: A Practice Developed in Community?
Professional Development Design: Embedding Educational Reform in New Zealand
The Lack of Professional Knowledge in Values Education

TE & Instruction

Pre-Service and In-Service Teachers' Metacognitive Knowledge about Problem-Solving Strategies
Understanding Teacher Learning in Secondary Education: The Relations of Teacher Activities to Changed Beliefs about Teaching and Learning
The Role of Elementary Teachers’ Conceptions of Closeness to Students on Their Differential Behaviour in the Classroom
Rethinking Classroom-Oriented Instructional Development Models to Mediate Instructional Planning in Technology-Enhanced Learning Environments
Teacher Perceptions and Individual Differences: How They Influence Rural Teachers’ Motivating Strategies
Teachers Developing Practice: Reflection as Key Activity
High and Low Implementers of Content Literacy Instruction: Portraits of Teacher Efficacy
(Re)conceptualising Student Engagement: Doing Education Not Doing Time
Situated Case-Based Knowledge: An Emerging Framework for Prospective Teacher Learning

Mentoring & Supervision

Towards A Pedagogy of Mentor Education
New into the Profession: A Study of the Mentoring of Novice Teachers in Sweden
Mentoring Beginning Teachers: What We Know and What We Don't
Borders to Cross: Identifying Sources of Tension in Mentor–Intern Relationships
Cognitive Complexity, The First Year of Teaching, and Mentoring

TE Programs

From “Big Ideas” to Deliberate Action: Curriculum Revision and Alignment in An American Special Education Teacher Preparation Program
Views on Using Portfolio in Teacher Education
Competing Views of Teaching in A School–University Partnership
Developing Pre-Service Teachers Understanding of Fractions through Problem Posing
Teacher Efficacy of Pre-Service Teachers in Taiwan: The Influence of Classroom Teaching and Group Discussions
Analysis of the Reflections of Student-Teachers of Mathematics When Working with Learning Portfolios in Spanish University Classrooms
The Efficacy of Embedding Special Education Instruction in Teacher Preparation Programs in the United States

Preservice Students

W(h)ither the Sense of Wonder of Pre-Service Primary Teachers’ When Teaching Science?: A Preliminary Study of Their Personal Experiences
Synergistic Scaffolds as A Means to Support Preservice Teacher Learning
Pre-Service Teachers’ Use of the Objective Knowledge Framework for Reflection during Practicum
Preparing Preservice Teachers to Make Instructional Decisions: An Examination of Data from the Teacher Work Sample

Beginning Teachers

The Newly Qualified Teacher: A Leader and A Professional? A Norwegian Study
Learning from Curriculum Materials: Scaffolds for New Teachers?

Teaching Assessment

Teachers Expanding Pedagogical Content Knowledge: Learning about Formative Assessment Together
Teacher Beliefs and Teacher Behaviour in Portfolio Assessment
Understanding How A Case-Based Assessment Instrument Influences Student Teachers’ Learning Approaches

Technology & Computers

Catalyzing Student–Teacher Interactions and Teacher Learning in Science Practical Formative Assessment with Digital Video Technology

Theories & Approaches

Melioration as a Higher Thinking Skill of Future Intelligence
Applying Self-Determination Theory To Understand The Motivation For Becoming A Physical Education Teacher
Pedagogical Literacy: What It Means and What It Allows
Joseph Schwab, Self-Study of Teaching and Teacher Education Practices Proponent?

TE - General Trends

Professional Judgment and Dispositions in Teacher Education
What and How Do Student Teachers Learn during School-Based Teacher Education
“It Enables Me to Realise My Fantasies Regarding The Practicum”: A Preliminary Study of An Academia–School Partnership in Israel
Equity, Democracy, and Neoliberal Assaults on Teacher Education
Getting The Fish Out of The Water: Considering Benefits and Problems of Doing Research on Teacher Education at An International Level
Alternative Placements in Initial Teacher Education: An Evaluation
The Paired-Placement of Student Teachers: An Alternative to Traditional Placements in Secondary Schools
Exploring Diversity through Ethos in Initial Teacher Education
Cross-Cultural Experience in Preservice Teacher Education
Reconceptualising Professional Experiences in Pre-Service Teacher Education…Reconstructing The Past to Embrace The Future

January 2009
The newsletter contains references to all the new items added to the ITEC Portal.

MOFET ITEC Portal website: http://itec.macam.ac.il/portal/

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All recent items