Oct. 27, 2014
Dear subscriber, 
MOFET ITEC Portal Newsletter

Dear Subscriber,

We are delighted to be sending you October's newsletter with the latest articles published in academic journals focusing on teaching and teacher education.

The online international conference Teaching Hebrew as an Additional Language, will take place May, 2015.
Please notice: The academic committee of the conference has decided to respond positively to requests to postpone the deadline for submitting proposals and they can be submitted until Sunday, November 30, 2014.

Wishing you interesting and enjoyable reading,

The MOFET Portal Team

October 27, 2014 International Portal of Teacher Education
Please note: a complete list of recent additions to the portal follows the Featured Items.
October 2014
Featured Items
They Teach Us How to Teach Them: Teacher Preparation for the 21st Century
This article describes a 3-year qualitative study on a English language arts teacher preparation approach that places middle school students at the center and interweaves various technologies into the study of The Outsiders. Using the ever-popular young adult novel, The Outsiders, as a nexus of literature study and an integration of technology and music, the authors created The Outsiders Project. For three years the authors produced, directed, studied, and analyzed The Outsiders Project (TOP) to determine the impact of these experiences on their preservice teachers and to examine what they learned from the middle school students. The findings reveal that the preservice teachers were very surprised to discover that the middle school students really did want to learn. Another lesson the preservice teachers reported they learned about middle school students was that all students can contribute.
Using Online Social Networks to Foster Preservice Teachers’ Membership in a Networked Community of Praxis
The purpose of this study was to assess the efficacy of using online social networks with preservice history teachers. The findings revealed that the Ning was an environment that allowed for real-time discussions of praxis that engaged not only their students, but other preservice and in-service teachers from around the world. The students had meaningful conversations concerning praxis online during the semester they were required to do so. These conversations reinforced the learning occurring in this seminar and at students’ practicum sites.
Consequential Research Designs in Research on Teacher Education
In this study, the authors explore educators’ experiences in a research design that adheres to collaboration with educators; in this case in a year-long formative intervention in the context of teacher education. This analysis revealed three main contrasts, all of which the teacher educators experience as being consequential for their participation in the research. The first reflection related to how the teacher educators perceived their own position. The educators describe this position as one of agency and ownership, coupled with recognition of their expertise. Secondly, the position of the researcher was experienced as one that explicitly involves learning. Lastly, the research was experienced as being integrated.
A Bourdieuian Analysis of Teachers’ Changing Dispositions towards Social Justice: The Limitations of Practicum Placements in Pre-service Teacher Education
The current paper illustrates and theorises change in two Australian teachers’ dispositions towards social justice over time from a Bourdieuian perspective. The interviews with the two participants over a two-year period provide evidence of change in their dispositions towards social justice. By the end of their first year of teaching, there is evidence that both experienced change in their dispositions towards social justice. There is clear movement towards social democratic or difference models of redistributive justice. Within this movement is a growing recognition of the appropriateness of the )re)distribution of different social goods for different people rather than a quest for sameness. This dispositional change took place at the same time as the two participants were developing competence as beginning teachers.
Preparing Beginning Teachers to Elicit and Interpret Students’ Mathematical Thinking
In this study, the authors examined their efforts to teach beginning teachers’ formative assessment practices, specifically to elicit and interpret students’ mathematical thinking. This study surfaced a number of important ideas about scaffolding students’ learning of practice in the context of a commonly used teacher education assignment. The findings reveal that each scaffold examined in this paper appeared to support and shape student performance. Furthermore, fixed scaffolds designed in advance and scaffolds crafted in the moment based on the unfolding circumstances were both useful in supporting and shaping student practice.
The Role of the Prepracticum in Lessening Student Teacher Stress: Student Teachers’ Perceptions of Stress During Practicum
This study examines student teacher’s perceptions of the causes and levels of stress during the student teaching practicum for students in the Concurrent Bachelor of Education Program at Laurentian University. The findings reveal that the students indicated a moderate to low level of stress during their practicums. Lesson planning was identified as the greatest cause of stress for student teachers because of its time-consuming nature. The author argues that the prepracticum experiences of these student teachers may have lessened the stress levels reported during the practicum.
October 2014
All Recent Items
Instruction in Teacher Training
Examining the Practice of Critical Reflection for Developing Pre-Service Teachers’ Multicultural Competencies: Findings from a Study Abroad Program in Honduras
Encouraging Prospective Teachers to Engage Friends and Family in Exploring Physical Phenomena
Using Educative Curriculum Materials to Support the Development of Prospective Teachers’ Knowledge
Encouraging Imagination and Creativity in the Teaching Profession

Research Methods

Consequential Research Designs in Research on Teacher Education

Mentoring & Supervision

Idiographic Roles of Cooperating Teachers as Mentors in Pre-service Distance Teacher Education
Approaches to Supervision of Student Teachers in One UAE Teacher Education Program
The Role of the University Tutor in School-based Work in Primary Schools in Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland

Teacher Educators

Teacher Educators as Learners: How Supervisors Shape Their Pedagogies by Creating and Using Classroom Videos with Their Student Teachers
Dancing in the Ditches: Reflecting on the Capacity of a University/School Partnership to Clarify the Role of a Teacher Educator
Landmarks in the Professional and Academic Development of Mid-Career Teacher Educators

Preservice Teachers

Crossing Borders without Leaving Town: The Impact of Cultural Immersion on the Perceptions of Teacher Education Candidates
The Role of the Prepracticum in Lessening Student Teacher Stress: Student Teachers’ Perceptions of Stress During Practicum
Changes in Student Teachers’ Motives and the Meaning of Teacher Education Programme Quality

Beginning Teachers

Preparing Beginning Teachers to Elicit and Interpret Students’ Mathematical Thinking
Newly Qualified Teachers’ Reflections on the Quality of Initial Teacher Education in the Republic of Ireland
Teacher Education Graduates’ Choice (not) to Enter the Teaching Profession: Does Teacher Education Matter?

Assessment & Evaluation

Year One Implications of a Teacher Performance Assessment’s Impact on Multicultural Education across a Secondary Education Teacher Preparation Program
Evidence of Cultural Competence Within Teacher Performance Assessments
Making Sense of Assessment Feedback in Higher Education
Is the Sky Falling? Grade Inflation and the Signaling Power of Grades

ICT & Teaching

The Influence of (Research-Based) Teacher Training Programs on Evaluations of Central Computer Science Concepts
Using Online Social Networks to Foster Preservice Teachers’ Membership in a Networked Community of Praxis

Theories & Approaches

Curriculum-Dependent and Curriculum-Independent Factors in Preservice Elementary Teachers’ Adaptation of Science Curriculum Materials for Inquiry-Based Science
A Bourdieuian Analysis of Teachers’ Changing Dispositions towards Social Justice: The Limitations of Practicum Placements in Pre-service Teacher Education
What PISA Intends To and Can Possibly Achieve: A Critical Programme Theory Analysis
The Potential of Communities of Practice as Contexts for the Development of Agentic Teacher Leaders: A Three-Year Narrative of One Early Childhood Teacher's Journey

Trends in Teacher Education

Teacher Attrition the First Five Years - A Multifaceted Image
They Teach Us How to Teach Them: Teacher Preparation for the 21st Century
Politics Without “Brainwashing”: A Philosophical Defence of Social Justice Education
October 2014
The newsletter contains references to all the new items added to the ITEC Portal.

MOFET ITEC Portal website: http://itec.macam.ac.il/portal/

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All recent items