After more than 12 years online, this month, the portal crossed a meaningful milestone -
over 4850 items reviewed, taken from more than 40 leading teacher education journals written by more than 8150 different authors.
We would like to thank our thousands of loyal readers, making the International Portal of Teacher Education one of the most significant online databases in the field.
Registration is now open for the upcoming semester of The MOFET Online Academy.
This year we offer a special online seminar:
Situated Digital Experience in Museums - An Interdisciplinary Approach for Teachers, Educators and Museum Professionals in All Education Levels.
Experimental methods and their didactics are the core of this online course.
Students of this will see how all museums and heritage sites can be used as places of learning with the UNESCO Best Mobile Practice innovative technology – the Wandering Platform.
For more information click here.
Wishing you interesting and enjoyable reading,
The MOFET Portal Team