Developing Sociopolitical Consciousness at Freedom Schools: Implications for Culturally Responsive Teacher Preparation

From Section:
Theories & Approaches
Jul. 01, 2011

Source: Teaching Education, Volume 22, Issue 3, 2011, pages 277-290.

This paper describes the programmatic ways in which the Children’s Defense Fund Freedom Schools® program develops culturally responsive teaching practices amongst its summer interns, particularly in the area of developing sociopolitical consciousness. 

This article places specific focus on the role that historical knowledge, the acknowledgement of a ‘we’ discourse and instilling a lifelong commitment to service plays in cultivating teacher sociopolitical consciousness.
This research aims to serve as a case for lessons to be learned by traditional, university-based teacher education programs committed to preparing teachers to teach in culturally responsive ways.

Updated: Nov. 21, 2021
Consciousness raising | Cultural awareness | Culturally relevant education | Preservice teacher education | Teacher education programs