To Know Is Not Enough: Knowledge, Power, and the Zone of Generativity

From Section:
Theories & Approaches
Nov. 01, 2012

Source: Educational Researcher 41(8): 283-293. November 2012

This article considers the theme: how to take what we know from research and put it to effective (policy and practice) use.

The essay challenges members of the American Educational Research Association (AERA) individually and collectively to improve the connection.

The author reflects on the history of AERA as an organization, why many seminal research studies fail to get relevant uptake, and several models that are instructive in considering the translation process from research to practice.

The author highlights her own model of change, which she refers to as the Model of Generative Change, and explains the stages or phases of generativity that can be experienced in the research lives of education researchers.

Updated: Nov. 26, 2019
Educational change | Educational research | Research and development | Research utilization | Theory practice relationship