Sep. 27, 2010
Dear subscriber, 
MOFET ITEC Portal Newsletter

Dear Subscriber,

We are delighted to be sending you another issue of The MOFET ITEC Portal resource list.

The current bulletin presents some significant trends from the latest articles published in academic journals focusing on teacher education, pedagogy and instruction.

Please feel free to use the response system at the end of each item. We welcome your comments and insights.

Wishing you interesting and enjoyable reading,

The MOFET ITEC Portal Team

September 27, 2010 International Portal of Teacher Education
Please note: a complete list of recent additions to the portal follows the Featured Items.
September 2010
Featured Items
'Teaching Could Be a Fantastic Job but …': Three Stories of Student Teacher Withdrawal from Initial Teacher Preparation Programmes in England
This article presents new findings that focus on the experiences of three (ex-)student teachers who did not complete their ITP. Having conducted in-depth interviews, the authors attempt to understand the experiences, emotions and decisions of three people who committed themselves to ITP, invested much energy and time, but in the end withdrew. The reasons for their decision to withdraw from ITP are numerous and complex. These three case studies provide some insights for teacher educators regarding the obstacles, both personal and course-related, that can impede successful completion of pre-service education and entry to the profession.
Capturing Mentor Teachers’ Reflective Moments during Mentoring Dialogues
The goal of this study is twofold: 1) to capture differential frequencies of mentor teachers’ reflective moments, as indicators of different levels of consciousness in mentor teachers’ use and acquisition of supervisory skills during mentoring dialogues; 2) the authors explore methods for registering mentor teachers’ reflective moments in mentoring dialogues. 30 mentor teachers from primary education in the Netherlands were participated.
Data Literacy: Understanding Teachers' Data Use in a Context of Accountability and Response to Intervention
The purpose of this study is to understand the qualitatively different ways that current practicing teachers are using data to inform instruction. Nine elementary schools teachers participated in this study. Findings from teacher interviews are presented through the image of a ladder representing the stages that teachers experience as they engage in data usage to inform their instructional decision making. These findings have implications for teacher educators and school-based practitioners alike in better supporting the professional development of preservice and in-service teachers for this data-driven context of schools.
Professionals or Technicians? Teacher Preparation Programs and Occupational Understandings
The goal of this research was to explore occupational understandings by preparation program. The author conducted interviews with 49 beginning teachers in one labor market, 26 alternatively certified and 23 traditionally certified. The author found that the initial socialization process was weak for both groups, and neither expressed a strong professional or technical identity. All teachers expressed a strong classroom focus and supported the idea of learning through experience. However, there were some key differences in the role of peer groups and pedagogical theory.
Delivering, Modifying or Collaborating? Examining Three Teacher Conceptions of How to Facilitate Student Engagement
This study utilised a phenomenographic approach to examine teacher conceptions of how to facilitate student engagement. 20 secondary school English teachers from Australia were participated in this study. Three categories described teachers' ways of engaging students. In the first category, teachers conceptualised delivering set activities and discipline to students to promote engagement. In the second category, teachers suggested that they must modify curriculum and class activities. In the third category, teachers proposed that genuine collaboration with students was necessary to truly engage them in learning.
The New Teacher Induction Programme in Bedouin Schools in the Negev, Israel
This two-year research study examined the usefulness of the induction programme for newly recruited teachers in Bedouin schools in the Negev as a unique environment and home for the Bedouin. The results indicate that local teachers value the contribution of the components of the induction programme better than the non-locals and males more than females.In general, the inductees highly valued the contribution of the mentor in the three fields; however, the local new teachers valued the contribution of the mentor more than the non-local ones.
September 2010
All Recent Items
Multiculturalism & Diversity
Male Primary School Teachers: Helping or Hindering a Move to Gender Equity?

Professional Development

Teachers, Families, and Communities Supporting English Language Learners in Inclusive Pre-Kindergartens: An Evaluation of a Professional Development Model
Applying a Cognitive-Affective Model of Conceptual Change to Professional Development
Flexibly Adaptive Professional Development in Support of Teaching Science with Geospatial Technology

TE & Instruction

Analyzing and Attempting to Overcome Prospective Teachers’ Difficulties during Problem-Solving Instruction
Stimulating Teachers' Reflection and Feedback Asking: An Interplay of Self-Efficacy, Learning Goal Orientation, and Transformational Leadership
Learning to Unlearn: How a Service-Learning Project Can Help Teacher Candidates to Reframe Urban Students
Repertoires of Practice: Re-Framing Teaching Portfolios
Can Service Learning Reinforce Social and Cultural Bias? Exploring a Popular Model of Family Involvement for Early Childhood Teacher Candidates
Use of Dialogue Journals and Video-Recording in Early Childhood Teacher Education
Untangling Teacher-Child Play Interactions: Do Teacher Education and Experience Influence “Good-Fit” Responses to Children's Play?
Education and Medical Professionals Collaborating to Prepare Early Childhood Teachers for Inclusive Settings
Fostering Reflection Through Challenging Practica
Making Sense of Teaching through Metaphors: A Review across Three Studies
The Allegiance and Experience of Student Literacy Teachers in the Post-Compulsory Education Context: Competing Communities of Practice
Inquiry and Astronomy: Preservice Teachers’ Investigations of Celestial Motion
An Analysis of Knowledge Structure, Diversity and Diagnostic Abilities Among Pre-Service Science Teachers Within the Domain of Oxidation and Reduction Chemistry
Preservice and Inservice Teachers’ Challenges in the Planning of Practical Work in Physics
Delivering, Modifying or Collaborating? Examining Three Teacher Conceptions of How to Facilitate Student Engagement

Research Methods

Science Talks” in Kindergarten Classrooms: Improving Classroom Practice Through Collaborative Action Research
Narrative Inquiry in Service Learning Contexts: Possibilities for Learning about Diversity in Teacher Education

Mentoring & Supervision

Secondary Mathematics Cooperating Teachers’ Perceptions of the Purpose of Student Teaching
Effects of an Autonomy-Supportive Intervention on Tutor Behaviors in a Higher Education Context
Capturing Mentor Teachers’ Reflective Moments during Mentoring Dialogues
Finnish Cooperating Physics Teachers’ Conceptions of Physics Teachers’ Teacher Knowledge

Teacher Educators

Tale of Two Talents: How Two Early Childhood Teacher Educators Use Peer-Reflection to Examine Their Practices

TE Programs

Grappling With Big Ideas: The Process of Program Improvement
English as an Additional Language and Initial Teacher Education: Views and Experiences from Northern Ireland
Transforming the Existing Model of Teaching Practicum: A Study of Chinese EFL Student Teachers' Perceptions

Preservice Students

Analysis of the Revisions that Pre-service Teachers of Mathematics Make of Their Own Project Included in Their Learning Portfolio
Is This What We Want Them to Say? Examining the Tensions in What U.S. Preservice Teachers Say about Risk and Academic Achievement
Videoconferencing in Math and Science Preservice Elementary Teachers’ Field Placements
Using Science Teaching Case Narratives to Evaluate the Level of Acceptance of Scientific Inquiry Teaching in Preservice Elementary Teachers
The Relationship Between Preservice Early Childhood Teachers’ Cultural Values and their Perceptions of Scientists’ Cultural Values
'Teaching Could Be a Fantastic Job but …': Three Stories of Student Teacher Withdrawal from Initial Teacher Preparation Programmes in England
Rachel’s Literacy Stories: Unpacking One Preservice Teacher’s Moral Perspectives on Literacy Teaching

Beginning Teachers

New Teachers, Mentoring and the Discursive Formation of Professional Identity
When Being Able is not Enough. The Combined Value of Positive Affect and Self-Efficacy for Job Satisfaction in Teaching
The New Teacher Induction Programme in Bedouin Schools in the Negev, Israel
Perceptions of Beginning Teacher Educators of their Development in Research and Scholarship: Identifying the 'Turning Point' Experiences

Teaching Assessment

Assessment by Interview and Portfolio in a Graduate School Program
Data Literacy: Understanding Teachers' Data Use in a Context of Accountability and Response to Intervention

Technology & Computers

Prospective Primary Mathematics Teachers’ Learning from On-line Discussions in a Virtual Video-Based Environment

Theories & Approaches

The Socratic Dialogue and Teacher Education
Shifting to a Student-Centered Science Classroom: An Exploration of Teacher and Student Changes in Perceptions and Practices
Orientations to Science Teacher Professional Development: An Exploratory Study
Getting from Here to There: The Roles of Policy Makers and Principals in Increasing Science Teacher Quality
Professionals or Technicians? Teacher Preparation Programs and Occupational Understandings
September 2010
The newsletter contains references to all the new items added to the ITEC Portal.

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All recent items