Sep. 27, 2012
Dear subscriber, 
MOFET ITEC Portal Newsletter

Dear Subscriber,

We are delighted to be sending you another issue of The MOFET ITEC Portal bulletin, presenting research findings and trends from the latest articles published in academic journals focusing on teacher education, pedagogy and instruction.

Registration is now open for The Online Academy for the Professional Development of Teachers and Teacher Educators. Next semester commences in October 2012, with various courses offered in English and Spanish.
Save your spot in one of our various courses for the improvement and development of your teaching skills!

Wishing you interesting and enjoyable reading,

The MOFET ITEC Portal Team

September 27, 2012 International Portal of Teacher Education
Please note: a complete list of recent additions to the portal follows the Featured Items.
September 2012
Featured Items
Boundaries and Bricolage: Examining the Roles of Universities and Schools in Student Teacher Learning
This article describes a study that examines the boundary encounter between four sets of three participants on a distance education programme in initial teacher education. The study investigates the boundary zone created when the triad talk about teaching and learning as they collaboratively plan a lesson, and then when they talk about it afterwards. The main focus of the study was on the learning opportunities that are presented to student teachers as they engage in conversations about teaching and learning with their mentor and university tutor.
Cultural Perspectives on Teaching and Learning: A Collaborative Self-study of Two Professors’ First Year Teaching Experiences
In this article, the authors were interested to examine how their different cultural backgrounds influenced the formation of their perspectives. Furthermore, the authors wanted to explore how their exchange of views of teaching and learning supported their teaching practice. The authors conclude that differences in their teaching perspectives demonstrated the different points of view in the educational systems in the two countries. However, through this collaborative self-study experience, the authors obtained a better understanding of the teaching values of their own and another culture.
Developing Collective Classroom Efficacy: The Teacher’s Role as Community Organizer
In this article, the authors were interested to examine collective efficacy in the classroom by using Vygotsky's view. The authors' purpose was to illustrate ways in which the classroom teacher becomes classroom community organizer, especially as relating to the development of collective classroom efficacy. The data for this exploration were collected from an extensive ethnographic data set from one teacher’s fifth-grade classroom over four years.
Making the Connection: Moore’s Theory of Transactional Distance and Its Relevance to the Use of a Virtual Classroom in Postgraduate Online Teacher Education
The purpose of the current study was to explore students’ perceptions of the virtual classroom in terms of the impact they considered it made on their sense of transactional distance. The author used Moore’s (1997) Theory of Transactional Distance to analyze students' perceptions. The findings reveal that the use of the virtual classroom can potentially, at least, contribute to the development of quality dialogue. However according to Moore’s theory, this dialogue depends on structural aspects and, consequently, student perception of learner autonomy.
Mediators of a Preservice Teacher’s Use of the Inquiry-Application Instructional Model
In this article, the author examines a preservice teacher’s use of the Inquiry-Application Instructional Model (I-AIM) to plan and enact an instructional sequence about photosynthesis. The author concludes that Leslie’s case illustrates some of the mediators that may shape preservice teachers’ uses of an instructional model, including their approach to teaching science, the curriculum materials they have available, and the meanings they make of the key constructs underlying the model.
September 2012
All Recent Items
Professional Development
Professional Growth during Cyber Collaboration between Pre-service and In-service Teachers
Great Expectations: Teacher Learning in a National Professional Development Programme
Examining Study Attrition: Implications for Experimental Research on Professional Development

Teacher Education & Instruction

Developing Prospective Elementary Teachers’ Abilities to Identify Evidence of Student Mathematical Achievement
Practicing What We Teach: A Self-Study in Implementing an Inquiry-Based Curriculum in a Middle Grades Classroom
Mediators of a Preservice Teacher’s Use of the Inquiry-Application Instructional Model
Promoting Reflection in Teacher Preparation Programs: A Multilevel Model
Effects of Immediate Feedback Delivered via Webcam and Bug-in-Ear Technology on Preservice Teacher Performance
Exploring Authenticity of Microteaching in Pre-service Teacher Education Programmes
Inhabiting The ‘Tragic Gap’: Pre-service Teachers Practicing Racial Literacy
Scaffolding Pre-service Teachers’ Observations: Eye on the Future

Research Methods

Improving Collaborative Teacher Education Research: Creating Tighter Linkages

Teacher Educators

Cultural Perspectives on Teaching and Learning: A Collaborative Self-study of Two Professors’ First Year Teaching Experiences

Special Education

Effects of Inservice Teacher Training on Correct Implementation of Assessment and Instructional Procedures for Teachers of Students With Profound Multiple Disabilities
Improving Preservice Teachers' Perspectives on Family Involvement in Teaching Children With Special Needs: Guest Speaker Versus Video
Training Teachers to Use Pivotal Response Training With Children With Autism: Coaching as a Critical Component

Teacher Education Programs

Combining Family Centeredness and Diversity in Early Childhood Teacher Training Programs
Immersing Students in the Culture of Disability Through Service Learning

Preservice Students

Examining the Challenges Early Childhood Teacher Candidates Face in Figuring Their Roles as Early Educators
The Multiple Meanings of Play: Exploring Preservice Teachers' Beliefs About a Central Element of Early Childhood Education
Sink or Swim: Child Care Teachers' Perceptions of Entry Training Experiences
Boundaries and Bricolage: Examining the Roles of Universities and Schools in Student Teacher Learning

Technology & Computers

Making the Connection: Moore’s Theory of Transactional Distance and Its Relevance to the Use of a Virtual Classroom in Postgraduate Online Teacher Education
Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) in Action: A Descriptive Study of Secondary Teachers’ Curriculum-Based, Technology-Related Instructional Planning
Situating ICT in the Teacher Education Program: Overcoming Challenges, Fulfilling Expectations

Theories & Approaches

Using Wenger’s Communities of Practice to Explore a New Teacher Cohort
Developing Collective Classroom Efficacy: The Teacher’s Role as Community Organizer
A Typological Approach to Investigate the Teaching Career Decision: Motivations and Beliefs about Teaching of Prospective Teacher Candidates
Using a Classification System to Probe the Meaning of Dual Licensure in General and Special Education
Teacher Preparation for Inclusive and Critical (Special) Education
September 2012
The newsletter contains references to all the new items added to the ITEC Portal.

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All recent items