Apr. 28, 2013
Dear subscriber, 
MOFET ITEC Portal Newsletter

Dear Subscriber,

We are delighted to be sending you another issue of The International Portal of Teacher Education resource list.

The current issue presents some significant trends from the latest articles published in academic journals focusing on teacher education, pedagogy, instruction, and the professional development of teachers.

Please feel free to use the portal as a platform to discuss, comment, and share your insights about its contents with our growing professional community.

Wishing you interesting and enjoyable reading,

The MOFET Portal Team

April 28, 2013 International Portal of Teacher Education
Please note: a complete list of recent additions to the portal follows the Featured Items.
April 2013
Featured Items
Teacher Preparation for Quality Teaching
In this article, the author presents a holistic practice-based approach to preparing candidates for quality teaching. This approach integrates academic knowledge of theory, pedagogy, and curriculum across experiences in authentic contexts that are embedded in focused inquiry, directed observation, and guided practice. The discussion of the proposed practice-based approach to learning to teach is presented in two parts. The first part includes the organizing ideas and discursive practices for teaching referred to as essential knowledge, skills, and understandings for quality teaching. The second part includes the epistemic practices and program qualities that support learning to teach.
What Makes Good Teachers Good?: A Cross-Case Analysis of the Connection between Teacher Effectiveness and Student Achievement
This study compared the impact of effective teachers and less effective teachers on their students tests scores in reading and math. The authors used a two-phase study to shed light on the connection between teacher effects and teaching practices. The findings reveal that top-quartile teachers had fewer classroom disruptions, better classroom management skills, and better relationships with their students than did bottom-quartile teachers.
Literature Review on Induction and Mentoring Related to Early Career Teacher Attrition and Retention
This literature review focuses on mentoring and induction programs as a solution to what is defined as the problem of early career teacher attrition and retention. The authors found multiple differences in both induction and mentoring programs around issues such as who offers them, the length of time for which they are offered, whether they are government mandated, whether mentors receive further education for the role, how mentors and mentees are matched and so on. The authors also found that principals were seen to have a pivotal role to play in the success of early career induction programs.
Effects of Mentoring Programs on New Teacher Retention: A Literature Review
The authors examined empirical studies from 2005 to 2010 that addressed the effect of mentoring programs on new teacher retention. The authors identified 14 studies that met their criteria to be included in this literature review. The authors conclude that they propose an understanding of the complex and non-linear nature of both mentoring and teacher retention.
College Student Pathways to the STEM Disciplines
The authors empirically examine the impact that students’ backgrounds, academic experiences, and attitudes have on their likelihood of selecting a STEM major in college. The findings revealed significant effects in relation to race, academic preparation, attitudes and dispositions toward math and science, college choice considerations, and postsecondary experiences.
April 2013
All Recent Items
Multiculturalism & Diversity
Why Are Migrant Students Better Off in Certain Types of Educational Systems or Schools than in Others?
Urban Education and Segregation: The Responses from Young People

Professional Development

Argument as Professional Development: Impacting Teacher Knowledge and Beliefs About Science
Science Faculty Belief Systems in a Professional Development Program: Inquiry in College Laboratories
School-Based Teachers’ Professional Development through Technology-Enhanced Learning in Bangladesh
Teachers’ Perspectives on the Effectiveness of a Locally Planned Professional Development Program for Implementing New Curriculum

Teacher Education & Instruction

Elementary Teacher’s Conceptions of Inquiry Teaching: Messages for Teacher Development
Understanding Chemical Change in Primary Education: The Effect of Two Cognitive Variables

Research Methods

Multiple Enactments of Educational Research
Educational Research and Useful Knowledge: Production, Dissemination, Reception, Implementation
Action Research and Narrative Inquiry: Five Principles for Validation Revisited
Becoming Critical Again: Reconnecting Critical Social Theory with the Practice of Action Research
Critical and Creative Reflective Inquiry: Surfacing Narratives to Enable Learning and Inform Action
Enriching Action Research with the Narrative Approach and Activity Theory: Analyzing the Consequences of an Intervention in a Public Sector Hospital in Finland

Mentoring & Supervision

Effects of Mentoring Programs on New Teacher Retention: A Literature Review

Preservice Students

Bridging the Gap Between Preservice Early Childhood Teachers’ Cultural Values, Perceptions of Values Held by Scientists, and the Relationships of These Values to Conceptions of Nature of Science
The Excitement and Wonder of Teaching Science: What Pre-service Teachers Learn from Facilitating Family Science Night Centers
The Effects of Community-Based Service Learning on Preservice Teachers’ Beliefs About the Characteristics of Effective Science Teachers of Diverse Students
College Student Pathways to the STEM Disciplines

Beginning Teachers

Beginning Teacher Standards for Physical Education: Promoting A Democratic Ideal?
Literature Review on Induction and Mentoring Related to Early Career Teacher Attrition and Retention
Through the Eyes of the Novice Teacher: Perceptions of Mentoring Support

Technology & Computers

Web 2.0 Tools and the Reflections of Preservice Secondary Science Teachers

Theories & Approaches

General Pedagogical Knowledge of Future Middle School Teachers: On the Complex Ecology of Teacher Education in the United States, Germany, and Taiwan
What Makes Good Teachers Good?: A Cross-Case Analysis of the Connection between Teacher Effectiveness and Student Achievement
Mind the Gap: Looking for Evidence-Based Practice of Science Literacy for All in Science Teaching Journals
In Search of Coherence: ‘Inquiring’ at Multiple Levels of a Teacher Education System
The Role of Narrative Writing in Improving Professional Practice

Trends in Teacher Education

Teacher Preparation for Quality Teaching
A Practice Turn for Teacher Education?
April 2013
The newsletter contains references to all the new items added to the ITEC Portal.

MOFET ITEC Portal website: http://itec.macam.ac.il/portal/

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All recent items