Jan. 28, 2013
Dear subscriber, 
MOFET ITEC Portal Newsletter

Dear Subscriber,

We are delighted to be sending you the first issue of ITEC Portal resource list of 2013, with the latest articles published in academic journals focusing on teacher education, pedagogy and instruction.

Next month we invite all our readers to participate in the following webinars, as usual registration is free of charge:
February 3, 2013
Varieties of Text and the Projection of Learner Presence in Digital Environments

February 7, 2013
Making a Difference in the EFL Classroom: Integrating Technology for Students with Learning Disabilities

February 13, 2013
The Gamification of Location-based Learning

Last reminder to all educators around the world passionate for implementing ICT in education to join us for a unique and unforgettable learning experience in Israel, including a Study Tour and Mini-Conference: MOFETeach 2013 – Education, Innovation, & ICT. For more information and registration please click here.

Wishing you interesting and enjoyable reading,

The MOFET ITEC Portal Team

January 28, 2013 International Portal of Teacher Education
Please note: a complete list of recent additions to the portal follows the Featured Items.
January 2013
Featured Items
Web 2.0 Tools and the Evolving Pedagogy of Teacher Education
This article describes recent changes in a social studies teacher education program and the role Web 2.0 tools played in developing meaningful activities centered on the development of sound technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPCK). As the project developed, it became apparent that the creation of the class digital flexbook operated along five distinct phases: awareness, analysis, collection, design, and reflection.
Current Issues in Teacher Education: 2006-2009
This study was aimed to examine the current issues published between January 2006 and December 2009 in three leading journals in teacher education. A research team selected three journals: the Journal of Teacher Education, Action in Teacher Education, and Teaching and Teacher Education: An International Journal of Research and Studies. The research team reviewed and analyzed 721 articles from these journals. The findings reveal that the current issues include teacher-focused issues, instructional models for teacher education, multicultural education, field experiences/school partnerships, and mentoring and induction into the profession. The article also discusses the topics which are missing in the current teacher education literature.
Building 21st-century Teachers: An Intentional Pedagogy of Media Literacy Education
This paper identifies media literacy education as an essential framework for housing a sophisticated repertoire of knowledge, skills, and dispositions for 21st-century teacher preparation. This article illustrates the ways in which media literacy catalyzes essential knowledge, skills and dispositions by (1) contextualizing technological proficiency, (2) promoting pedagogical excellence, and (3) enacting democratic ideals.
Emerging Teachers–emerging Identities: Trust and Accountability in the Construction of Newly Qualified Teachers in Norway, Germany, and England
The current article focuses on the construction of teacher identities in terms of trust and accountability. The article provides a comparison of the perspectives of new teachers from Norway, Germany, and England about their relationships to significant ‘others’, and how these influence their lives as teachers. The findings revealed a variation between these three national school systems in the ways that trust and accountability impact teachers' identity.
Taking stock of Lesson Study as a platform for teacher development in Singapore
In this study, the authors were interested to understand how lesson study (LS) protocols were adapted to suit local school conditions and contexts and the kinds of problems and constraints the schools faced in the implementation process. The Sixty-four schools responded to three survey questionnaires. The findings reveal that 56 schools implemented LS. Twenty-nine schools indicated that they would definitely continue implementing LS. The results show that in 22 schools LS was initiated by school leaders such as principals and vice-principals.
Teacher Educators’ Identities and Work in England at the Beginning of the Second Decade of the Twenty-First Century
This paper reports on part of the study of teacher educators in England which entitled ‘The Academic Tribe of Teacher Educators’ (A3TE). The purpose of A3TE was to examine teacher educators' constructions of their own identities in the academic communities within two university schools of education. The findings reveal that teacher educators in both universities constructed repertoires of identities for themselves. Although entry into the university often triggered a complex and shifting process of the (re)construction of identity around practice as a teacher educator and academic engagement, many of the teacher educators still saw one of their identities as that of ‘once-a-school teacher’.
January 2013
All Recent Items
Professional Development
Te Kotahitanga: A Case Study of a Repositioning Approach to Teacher Professional Development for Culturally Responsive Pedagogies
Taking stock of Lesson Study as a platform for teacher development in Singapore

Teacher Education & Instruction

The Benefits of Reteaching Lessons in Preservice Methods Classes
Performance: A Strategy for Professional Development in Early Childhood Teacher Preparation
The Progression of Prospective Teachers’ Conceptions of School Science Content
Turkish Preservice Science Teachers’ Informal Reasoning Regarding Socioscientific Issues and the Factors Influencing Their Informal Reasoning
A Study of Teacher Candidates’ Experiences Investigating Global Climate Change Within an Elementary Science Methods Course
Introducing Dialogic Teaching to Science Student Teachers
Developing Pedagogical Practices to Enhance Confidence and Competence in Science Teacher Education
Pathways in Learning to Teach Elementary Science: Navigating Contexts, Roles, Affordances and Constraints
Exploring the role of gratitude in the professional experience of pre-service teachers
Classroom management in the United States: a view from New York City

Teacher Educators

Teacher Educators’ Identities and Work in England at the Beginning of the Second Decade of the Twenty-First Century

Teacher Education Programs

Field-Based Teacher Education in Elementary Media Literacy as a Means to Promote Global Understanding

Preservice Students

Knowledge and Attitudes of Early Childhood Preservice Teachers Regarding the Inclusion of Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder
Preparing Teachers for Inclusion: Jordanian Preservice Early Childhood Teachers' Perspectives
Preparing for the Plunge: Preservice Teachers’ Assessment Literacy
Hopes and Fears for Science Teaching: The Possible Selves of Preservice Teachers in a Science Education Program
Epistemological Predictors of “Self Efficacy on Learning Biology” and “Test Anxiety Related to Evaluation of Learning on Biology” for Pre-service Elementary Teachers
Commitment to Teach in Under-Resourced Schools: Prospective Science and Mathematics Teachers’ Dispositions

Beginning Teachers

Emerging Teachers–emerging Identities: Trust and Accountability in the Construction of Newly Qualified Teachers in Norway, Germany, and England
New Urban Teachers Experience Induction Coaching: 'Moving Vision Toward Reality'

Technology & Computers

An Investigation of the Relationship between Self-Efficacy Beliefs about Technology Integration and Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) among Preservice Teachers
Professional Development for Elementary Teachers Using TPACK
Collected from the Cutting Room Floor: An Examination of Teacher Education Approaches to Digital Video Editing as a Tool for Shifting Classroom Practices
Web 2.0 Tools and the Evolving Pedagogy of Teacher Education

Theories & Approaches

Building 21st-century Teachers: An Intentional Pedagogy of Media Literacy Education
Testing Candidates' Basic Reading Skills to Ensure Teacher Quality: Promising Practice or Problematic Policy?
STEM Professionals Entering Teaching: Navigating Multiple Identities

Trends in Teacher Education

Current Issues in Teacher Education: 2006-2009
January 2013
The newsletter contains references to all the new items added to the ITEC Portal.

MOFET ITEC Portal website: http://itec.macam.ac.il/portal/

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If you are having trouble reading this newsletter it is also available at: http://itec.macam.ac.il/portal/NewsletterArchive.aspx.

All recent items