Jul. 11, 2017
Dear subscriber, 
MOFET ITEC Portal Newsletter

Dear Subscriber,

We are delighted to be sending you another issue of The International Portal of Teacher Education monthly newsletter.

As usual, the current issue presents some significant trends from the latest articles published in academic journals focusing on teacher education, pedagogy, instruction, and the professional development of teachers.

In this issue, Prof. Ann MacPhail from the University of Limerick, Ireland, shares her experience and positioning as an apprentice, academic and administrator. We feel her text, Teacher Education as a Journey of Opportunity for Continuous Learning and Personal Growth, is 'a must' for every teacher.

Wishing you interesting and enjoyable reading,

The MOFET Portal Team

July 11, 2017 International Portal of Teacher Education
Please note: a complete list of recent additions to the portal follows the Featured Items.
July 2017
Featured Items
The Professional Developmental Needs of Higher Education-based Teacher Educators: An International Comparative Needs Analysis
The purpose of this international and comparative study is to examine what professional learning activities teacher educators value and what factors affect their participation in these activities. The findings reveal that two types of teacher educators’ professional learning needs arise from the data: (i) those involving the development of educational capacities related to their day-to-day remit as a teacher educator and (ii) those required for progressing an academic career, with research and writing skills being the most salient. Furthermore, this study emphasises the ways in which teacher educators, as both teachers and researchers, want to be part of a collaborative community where they can feel supported, listened to, and share their practices and experiences.
Teacher Education as a Journey of Opportunity for Continuous Learning and Personal Growth
As a teacher educator, the author shares her experiences and positioning as an apprentice, academic and administrator. While she refers to each as a ‘phase’, she suggests each overlap at varying times throughout teacher educators' careers/life, particularly if they are lifelong learners and that an element of apprenticeship is present in all that they strive to do, although not everyone perhaps acknowledges and engages with apprenticeship as professional learning and learning about oneself.
Multiple Dimensions of Teacher Identity Development from Pre-service to Early Years of Teaching: A Longitudinal Study
This study utilises three dimensions of identity construction (multiplicity vs. unity; social vs. individual; discontinuity vs. continuity) to examine how teachers describe their different roles, how they develop dialogical relations among multiplicity. The findings showed that all participants’ initial identity positions, except one female, have changed, either slightly or radically, during the course of this study. They experienced disequilibrium among different identity positions during the change, which confirms existing research that disequilibrium is considered essential for changes to occur. This study also showed that these teachers’ multiple Identity positions and the conflicts among them are not bounded within the classroom teaching domain or instructional and pedagogical issues.
Student and Novice Teachers’ Stories about Collaborative Learning Implementation
This study intends to explore student and novice teachers’ experiences with the implementation of collaborative learning (CL) in classroom practice, after a formal training pertaining to CL as part of their teacher education programme. The findings revealed several dilemmas in the stories of student and novice teachers that illustrate the conflicting options teachers are facing in relation to their colleagues, their pupils, the curriculum and in the classroom context when implementing CL. In particular, the following dilemmas were identified: two dilemmas related to professional autonomy (student teachers: teacher autonomy vs. pre-service performance assessment and novice teachers: teacher autonomy vs. institutional conformity).
A Methodological Framework for Studying Policy-Oriented Teacher Inquiry in Qualitative Research Contexts
The purpose of this paper is to highlight the importance of policy-oriented teacher inquiry that is collaborative, theoretically driven, and methodologically well-grounded. The author proposes a methodological framework for policy-oriented teacher inquiry that highlights multilayered research approaches and collaborative inquiry. She situates her arguments and the proposed framework in the context of qualitative research and Marx’s dialectic method. The author introduces four study phases that can enable deeper and more detailed understandings of relations between individual experiences, political structures, and material environments.
July 2017
All Recent Items
Professional Development
Teacher Empowerment through Engagement in a Learning Community in Ireland: Working across Disadvantaged Schools
Supportive Measures to Reduce the Risk of Teacher Burnout
The Professional Developmental Needs of Higher Education-based Teacher Educators: An International Comparative Needs Analysis
The Effect of Cognitive Apprenticeship-Based Professional Development on Teacher Self-Efficacy of Science Teaching, Motivation, Knowledge Calibration, and Perceptions of Inquiry-Based Teaching

Instruction in Teacher Training

Investigating the Knowledge Needed for Teaching Mathematics: An Exploratory Validation Study Focusing on Teaching Practices
Examining the Use of a Structured Analysis Framework to Support Prospective Teacher Noticing
Effective Mathematics Teaching in Finnish and Swedish Teacher Education Discourses
Developing Pre-service Elementary Teachers’ Pedagogical Practices While Planning Using the Learning Cycle*
The Use of Questions within In-The-Moment Coaching in Initial Mathematics Teacher Education: Enhancing Participation, Reflection, and Co-Construction in Rehearsals of Practice
What Factors Support or Inhibit Secondary Mathematics Pre-service Teachers’ Implementation of Problem-Solving Tasks during Professional Experience?
Korean EFL Teachers’ Perceptions of the Impact of EFL Teacher Education upon their Classroom Teaching Practices

Research Methods

A Methodological Framework for Studying Policy-Oriented Teacher Inquiry in Qualitative Research Contexts

Mentoring & Supervision

Educative Mentoring: How a Mentor Supported a Preservice Biology Teacher’s Pedagogical Content Knowledge Development

Teacher Educators

Physical Education Teacher Educators: A 25-Year Scoping Review of Literature
The Work of the Teacher-educator in Australia: Reconstructing the “Superhero” Performer/Academic in an Audit Culture
Embodying Pre-Tense Conditions for Research among Teacher Educators in the Australian University Sector: A Bourdieusian Analysis of Ethico-Emotive Suffering
Understanding Higher Education-Based Teacher Educators’ Identities in Hong Kong: A Sociocultural Linguistic Perspective
Teacher Education as a Journey of Opportunity for Continuous Learning and Personal Growth

Teacher Education Programs

International Field Experience as an Impetus for Personal and Professional Transformation: Through the Lens of Early Childhood Postsecondary Students
A Technology Integration Education (TIE) Model for Millennial Preservice Teachers: Exploring the Canonical Correlation Relationships Among Attitudes, Subjective Norms, Perceived Behavioral Controls, Motivation, and Technological, Pedagogical, and Content Knowledge (TPACK) Competencies

Preservice Teachers

Nordic–Baltic Student Teachers’ Identification of and Interest in Plant and Animal Species: The Importance of Species Identification and Biodiversity for Sustainable Development
Preservice Teachers' Perception of Assessment Strategies in Online Teaching
Just Add Hours? An Assessment of Pre-service Teachers’ Perception of the Value of Professional Experience in Attaining Teacher Competencies

Beginning Teachers

How Prepared Do Newly-Qualified Teachers Feel? Differences between Routes and Settings?
Student and Novice Teachers’ Stories about Collaborative Learning Implementation

ICT & Teaching

Preservice Teachers' Use of the Technology Integration Planning Cycle to Integrate iPads Into Literacy Instruction

Theories & Approaches

Multiple Dimensions of Teacher Identity Development from Pre-service to Early Years of Teaching: A Longitudinal Study
Teacher Education as Academic Work: The Affordances of a Materialist Analysis
The Recursive Practice of Research and Teaching: Reframing Teacher Education
Fostering Theory–Practice Reflection in Teaching Practicums*
July 2017
The newsletter contains references to all the new items added to the ITEC Portal.

MOFET ITEC Portal website: http://itec.macam.ac.il/portal/

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All recent items