Jun. 14, 2017
Dear subscriber, 
MOFET ITEC Portal Newsletter

Dear Subscriber,

We are delighted to be sending you another issue of The International Portal of Teacher Education monthly newsletter.

As usual, the current issue presents some significant trends from the latest articles published in academic journals focusing on teacher education, pedagogy, instruction, and the professional development of teachers.

Last week, we enjoyed a visit of a delegation of teacher educators from Ireland. The initial acquaintance with the members of the group was made in the context of The MOFET Institute's activity in the "InFo-Ted" (International Forum for Teacher Educator Development) enterprise. The objective of the forum is to establish a body dealing with the professional development of teacher educators in Europe. Read about this important visit here.

Wishing you interesting and enjoyable reading,

The MOFET Portal Team

June 14, 2017 International Portal of Teacher Education
Please note: a complete list of recent additions to the portal follows the Featured Items.
June 2017
Featured Items
Blogging with Pre-service Teachers as Action Research: When Data Deserve A Second Glance
This longitudinal action research study reflects on the ways blogging can further promote culturally relevant discussions explored in face-to-face classes. The authors found that blogs gave participants a platform to begin discussing issues of race and discrimination, which were missed opportunities for the authors to practice cultural competence as educators, and to demonstrate this for their pre-service teachers. At the same time, the blogs gave the pre-service teachers an opportunity to extend their learning, particularly with topics related to culture and race, by making connections between course content and future practice. Some students reflected well in journals, others enjoyed participating in class discussions, and others participated with great fervor on the blogs. The authors discuss themes that were apparent in their analysis of the blogs every semester, in every experimental section of the course that participated.
Linguistic and Cultural Appropriations of an Immigrant Multilingual Literacy Teacher Educator
In this study, the first author deploys autoethnographic self-study to intentionally and systematically examine her practice. Specifically, she was interested in investigating how her background as a Black immigrant educator as well as a multilingual communicator affected her practice with predominantly White monolingual prospective teachers. Findings revealed that the author's practice reflected three elements of multicultural awareness as displayed by her attention to individual predispositions, cultural practices and personal stereotypes. From this study, prospective teachers are better able to understand the ways in which language, culture, and diversity intersect in the backgrounds of foreign-trained literacy instructors.
Key Stakeholders' Attitudes towards Teacher Education Programs in TEFL: A Case Study of Farhangian University in Iran
In this study, the authors aimed at exploring the attitudes key stakeholders in a teacher education program hold toward the appropriateness of English Language Teaching (EFL) teacher education programs at an Iranian teacher education university and their relevance to and sustainable impact in the real teaching context. This study found that the three groups of participants were unanimous in their evaluations of the majority of the courses, while their evaluative perceptions significantly varied for a small fraction of the courses in the program. The findings also revealed that the participants had a positive attitude towards the maintenance of most of the courses addressing teaching methodology and practice. Moreover, they believed that there is a need for inclusion of practical courses like practice- and micro-teachings as well as real classroom observations.
Professional Identity Tensions of Beginning Teachers
This study presents an overview of the tensions regarding professional identity that was experienced by a group of beginning teachers.Interviews with beginning teachers resulted in 59 tensions that could be classified into three themes: (1) The change in role from student to teacher, (2) conflicts between desired and actual support given to students, and (3) conflicting conceptions of learning to teach. Most of the tensions experienced conform with those found in the literature. In most cases, feelings of helplessness, frustration, or anger were dominant in accompanying the tensions, and the teachers had a strong desire to learn to cope with them.
Workplace Learning Impact: An Analysis of French-Secondary Trainee Teachers’ Perception of their Professional Development
The aim of this study was to inquire into the professional development of French secondary- trainee teachers. The results first showed that learning in the workplace is a multifaceted process including mentoring, learning with experienced colleagues and learning by oneself from classroom teaching. Because trainee teachers tended to cite colleagues more often than mentors, it appears that workplace learning cannot be curtailed to mentoring. The authors argue that the findings of this research have allowed them to claim that there is a relationship between learning modes used for the competencies to be acquired and the content of these competencies.
June 2017
All Recent Items
Multiculturalism & Diversity
The Challenging Problem of Educational Diversity

Professional Development

Measuring Characteristics of Teacher Professional Development
Classification of Staff Development Programmes and Effects Perceived by Teachers

Instruction in Teacher Training

Blogging with Pre-service Teachers as Action Research: When Data Deserve A Second Glance
Teaching Training in Art and Craft: Drawing as a Performative Act
Engaging in Critical Social Dialogue with Socially Diverse Undergraduate Teacher Candidates at a California State University
Bridging Understanding between Preservice Teachers and Diverse Students through Service-Learning
The Effect of an Historical Perspective on Prospective Teachers’ Beliefs in Learning Mathematics
Using Excel in Teacher Education for Sustainability
Evaluating Creative Thinking of RN-BSN Students in the Course of Clinical Case Sstudy and Practicum
Making Invisible Intersectionality Visible Through Theater of the Oppressed in Teacher Education

Mentoring & Supervision

Supporting Clinical Practice Candidates in Learning Community Development
Cultivating Relationships with School Placement Stakeholders: The Perspective of the Cooperating Teacher

Teacher Educators

Linguistic and Cultural Appropriations of an Immigrant Multilingual Literacy Teacher Educator

Teacher Education Programs

Promoting Well-being and Preventing Burnout in Teacher Education: A Pilot Study of a Mindfulness-Based Programme for Pre-service Teachers in Hong Kong
Key Stakeholders' Attitudes towards Teacher Education Programs in TEFL: A Case Study of Farhangian University in Iran
Teacher Training Programs for Gifted Education with Focus on Sustainability
Grade-level Overlap and Standards Mismatch between Nationally Recognized Programs that Prepare Teachers for Grades PreK–3
Impact of a Statewide Early Childhood Curriculum Enhancement Initiative on Community College Faculty and Paraprofessional Students
First-Year Practicum Experiences for Preservice Early Childhood Education Teachers Working with Birth-to-3-Year-Olds: An Australasian Experience

Preservice Teachers

The Role of Legitimacy in Student Teaching: Learning to “Feel” Like a Teacher
Workplace Learning Impact: An Analysis of French-Secondary Trainee Teachers’ Perception of their Professional Development
A Review of Research on Prospective Teachers’ Learning About Children’s Mathematical Thinking and Cultural Funds of Knowledge

Beginning Teachers

Struggles and Strategies in Teaching: Voices of Five Novice Secondary Teachers
Early Years Teachers’ Epistemic Beliefs and Beliefs about Children’s Moral Learning
Professional Identity Tensions of Beginning Teachers

Theories & Approaches

Reframing Teachers’ Work for Educational Innovation
Parsing the Practice of Teaching
Practices of Compassionate, Critical, Justice-Oriented Teacher Education
What’s Missing in Most of Our Early Childhood Degrees? Focusing More Deeply on Relationships and Learning with Infants, Toddlers, and their Families
June 2017
The newsletter contains references to all the new items added to the ITEC Portal.

MOFET ITEC Portal website: http://itec.macam.ac.il/portal/

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If you are having trouble reading this newsletter it is also available at: http://itec.macam.ac.il/portal/NewsletterArchive.aspx.

All recent items