May. 09, 2010
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MOFET ITEC Portal Newsletter

We are delighted to be sending you another edition of the MOFET ITEC Portal update with a selection of the latest articles and significant trends published in academic journals focusing on teacher education, pedagogy and instruction.

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The MOFET ITEC Portal Team

May 9, 2010 International Portal of Teacher Education
May 2010
Featured Items
What Does Teacher Education Have to Do With Teaching? Implications for Diversity Studies
Several concepts that are important for inclusion in any teacher education curriculum regarding diversity studies are clarified in this article. The author outlines important concepts that contribute to teachers’ conceptual repertoires of diversity: color-blindness, cultural conflict, meritocracy, deficit conceptions, and expectations. The idea is that when teachers enter teacher education, their conceptions need to be addressed because these conceptions shape their curricula and instructional practices with P-12 students. The author concludes with a call to action for teacher educators and teacher education.
Curriculum Reform and Professional Development: A Case Study on Chinese Teacher Educators
This article describes a study on teacher educators' professional development in the context of national curriculum reform in China. The article presents a case study on Chinese teacher educators' professional development in the context of education reform. It explains the background of the implementation of the new curriculum of basic education and its impacts on teacher education. After analyzing the major issues emerging from the investigation, the author suggests further research regarding the development of a sustainable curriculum of teacher education and steering standards for teacher educators' professional development.
The Intellectual Foundations of Education: Core Journals and Their Impacts on Scholarship and Practice
This article updates previous attempts to identify a core set of journals that most education scholars would acknowledge as consequential sources. On the basis of nominations from a panel of experts, 11 primary journals were identified; three of these journals were nominated by at least one third of the respondents. The impact of these journals is assessed using a number of alternative metrics. In addition, differences in impact on policy and practice versus scholarship are considered.
Parables, Storytelling, and Teacher Education
In this article, the author suggests parables as means for enlivening teacher education and for stretching understanding. The author starts by offering a definition of parables. Then, the author presents an analysis of three examples—The Storm, The Sower, and The Fish and the Turtle—to illustrate some of the rich interpretative possibilities they offer for thinking critically and imaginatively about teaching and learning. Finally, the author considers a few reasons why parables have potential for enhancing teacher education, including as a means for exploring moral commitments and beliefs and for generating theories about teaching and learning.
Beyond Knowledge: Exploring Why Some Teachers Are More Thoughtfully Adaptive Than Others
As teacher educators, the authors have observed that knowledge alone does not lead to the kinds of thoughtful teaching they strive for.The authors address what is necessary, beyond traditional forms of professional knowledge, to support the development of thoughtful teachers who are responsive to students and situations. The authors provide four perspectives, each drawn from areas in which the authors conduct their research, and suggest a need to move beyond knowledge in teacher education. Their aim is to explore questions about preparing thoughtful teachers and to challenge others to do the same.
Seeing the Bigger Picture: Troubling Movements to End Teacher Education
This article examines three ways that social movements have worked to stratify public education over the past century, with each movement experiencing an ideological shift in response to the civil rights movements of the mid-1900s. Three theoretical lenses help to differentiate what are really overlapping movements—namely, neoliberalism, Christian fundamentalism, and neoconservatism—that make attacks on public education and teacher education seem like “common sense.” Implications for reframing teacher education conclude the article.
May 2010
All Recent Items
Multiculturalism & Diversity
What Does Teacher Education Have to Do With Teaching? Implications for Diversity Studies
Acting on Beliefs in Teacher Education for Cultural Diversity

Professional Development

Curriculum Reform and Professional Development: A Case Study on Chinese Teacher Educators
Teachers’ Analyses of Classroom Video Predict Student Learning of Mathematics: Further Explorations of a Novel Measure of Teacher Knowledge
Teacher Identity in the Context of Literacy Teaching: Three Explorations of Classroom Positioning and Interaction in Secondary Schools

TE & Instruction

Beyond Knowledge: Exploring Why Some Teachers Are More Thoughtfully Adaptive Than Others
Exploring the Tactfulness of Implementing Play in the Classroom: A Hong Kong Experience
Teacher Verbal Ability and School Outcomes: Where Is the Evidence?
Discrimination, Performance and Recuperation: How Teachers and Pupils Challenge and Recover Discourses of Sexualities in Schools
Teachers' Approaches towards Word Problem Solving: Elaborating or Restricting the Problem Context
Mathematics for Teaching: A Form of Applied Mathematics
Classroom-Level Curriculum Development: EFL Teachers as Curriculum-Developers, Curriculum-Makers and Curriculum-Transmitters
Understanding Singaporean Preschool Teachers' Beliefs about Literacy Development: Four Different Perspectives
Looking through the Lens of A Teacher's Life: The Power of Prototypical Stories in Understanding Teachers' Instructional Decisions in Mathematics

Research Methods

The Construction Zone: Literary Elements in Narrative Research
Rethinking Texts: Narrative and the Construction of Qualitative Research
(E)pistemological Awareness, Instantiation of Methods, and Uninformed Methodological Ambiguity in Qualitative Research Projects
The Intellectual Foundations of Education: Core Journals and Their Impacts on Scholarship and Practice

Mentoring & Supervision

Uncovering Contents of Mentor Teachers' Interactive Cognitions during Mentoring Dialogues

TE Programs

Seeing the Bigger Picture: Troubling Movements to End Teacher Education

Preservice Students

Is The World Their Oyster? The Global Imagination of Pre-service Teachers
Negotiating Spaces: The In-betweeness of Becoming A Teacher

Beginning Teachers

New Teachers Learning in Rural and Regional Australia
Novice Teachers' Work: Constructing 'Different' Children?

Teaching Assessment

Using Embedded Assessments to Promote Pedagogical Reasoning among Secondary Teaching Candidates

Technology & Computers

University Teacher Competencies in A Virtual Teaching/Learning Environment: Analysis of A Teacher Training Experience
Technologically and Artistically Enhanced Multi-Sensory Computer-Programming Education

TE - General Trends

Re-Conceptualizing Professional Development of Teacher Educators in Post-Soviet Latvia
The Public Expression of Citizen Teachers
Making Practice Public: Teacher Learning in the 21st Century
Rethinking the Connections Between Campus Courses and Field Experiences in College- and University-Based Teacher Education
Lifting Off the Ground to Return Anew: Mediated Praxis, Transformative Learning, and Social Design Experiments
Developing Responsive Teachers: A Challenge for a Demographic Reality
Parables, Storytelling, and Teacher Education
May 2010
The newsletter contains references to all the new items added to the ITEC Portal.

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