Apr. 24, 2012
Dear subscriber, 
MOFET ITEC Portal Newsletter

Dear Subscriber,

We are delighted to be sending you another issue of The MOFET ITEC Portal bulletin, presenting research findings and trends from the latest articles published in academic journals focusing on teacher education, pedagogy and instruction.

We invite you to attend our online webinar next week (May. 2nd): The Philosophical Interpretation of the Holocaust by Emil Fackenheim – with Dr. Moshe Shner. For more information and FREE subscription please click here.

Wishing you interesting and enjoyable reading,

The MOFET ITEC Portal Team

April 24, 2012 International Portal of Teacher Education
Please note: a complete list of recent additions to the portal follows the Featured Items.
April 2012
Featured Items
The First Three Years: Experiences of Early Career Teachers
This small-scale research study explores early career teachers' (ECTs) perceptions of factors shaping the quality of their early professional learning (EPL) experiences. Their perspective relating to curriculum change and its impact on EPL is considered. 14 early career secondary geography teachers in Scotland participated in this study. The data gathered indicate that departmental or faculty groupings can form the basis of post-induction support and play a crucial role in enhancing or constraining ECTs’ EPL and attitudes towards curriculum change.
Preparing Globally Competent Teachers: A New Imperative for Teacher Education
In this article, the author discusses the challenges globalization may bring to teacher education. Globalization brings many challenges to schools. To meet these challenges, schools need teachers who understand the implications of globalization, are able to effectively work with the increasingly culturally and linguistically diverse student population. The author describes some essential elements of a plan that prepare teachers to teach in the globalized world. The author concludes that in order to prepare this new generation of teachers, we need a teacher education system that is globally oriented.
What is to be Done? The Place of Action Research
Action research aims to explore new ways of doing things, new ways of thinking, and new ways of relating to one another and to the world. In this article, the author wants to explore the place of action research in shaping and making history by changing what is done. The author argues that the first concern of action researchers should be the contribution of their action to history, not so much to theory. To find out what needs to be done differently, we need action research that will inform our individual praxis and inform our collective praxis.
Level Models of Continuing Professional Development Evaluation: A Grounded Review and Critique
The purpose of this article is to address the issue of Continuing Professional Development (CPD) evaluation in education. The paper focuses on what are often called ‘level’ models for evaluating development and training. These models draw on an evaluation tradition which posits that programme design and implementation involve a series of inter-related components and the role of evaluation is to assess one or more of these components and the inter-relationships between them.
Inside Research, Inside Ourselves: Teacher Educators Take Stock of their Research Practice
The present paper describes the efforts of a group of teacher educators in a university education department in UK used action research to examine their research situation, and what conclusions they reached. Four major themes were identified in the researchers' analysis: benefits from their collaboration; greater understanding of themselves as researchers; broadened research perspectives; and barriers to their own research and how they might be surmounted. All the researchers realized that collaborative action research helped them to see their situations more clearly and they felt stronger as a result.
April 2012
All Recent Items
Multiculturalism & Diversity
White Institutional Presence: The Impact of Whiteness on Campus Climate

Professional Development

The Impact of Disrupted and Disjointed Early Professional Development on Beginning Teachers
Level Models of Continuing Professional Development Evaluation: A Grounded Review and Critique
Building Family Partnerships: The Journey From Preservice Preparation to Classroom Practice
Conceptualizing Teacher Professional Learning

Teacher Education & Instruction

“Urban, but Not Too Urban”: Unpacking Teachers’ Desires to Teach Urban Students
An Evolution of Mathematical Beliefs: A Case Study of Three Pre-K Teachers
Creating Shared Instructional Products: An Alternative Approach to Improving Teaching
Early Childhood Teacher Learning Through a Professional Development School Program in Hong Kong
Teacher Education Students’ Perceptions of the Value of Handouts Accompanying Teacher Educators’ Computer-Generated Slide Presentations
The Influence of Affective Teacher–Student Relationships on Students’ School Engagement and Achievement: A Meta-Analytic Approach
Science Teacher Learning Progressions: A Review of Science Teachers’ Pedagogical Content Knowledge Development

Research Methods

What is to be Done? The Place of Action Research

Teacher Educators

Inside Research, Inside Ourselves: Teacher Educators Take Stock of their Research Practice
Confirming Chanclas: What Early Childhood Teacher Educators Can Learn From Immigrant Preschool Teachers

Teacher Education Programs

Knowledge Expectations in Mathematics Teacher Preparation Programs in South Korea and the United States: Towards International Dialogue

Preservice Students

The Structure of Prospective Kindergarten Teachers’ Proportional Reasoning
Preservice Teachers' Perceptions of Pedagogic Documentation Techniques in Early Childhood Teacher Preparation
Preservice Elementary Teachers’ Development of Self-Efficacy and Confidence to Teach Science: A Case Study
Changes in Preservice Elementary Teachers’ Personal Science Teaching Efficacy and Science Teaching Outcome Expectancies: The Influence of Context
Preservice Mathematics and Science Teachers’ Inquiry Into New Literacy Practices of the Internet

Beginning Teachers

The First Three Years: Experiences of Early Career Teachers
The Impact of Induction and Mentoring Programs for Beginning Teachers: A Critical Review of the Research

Teaching Assessment

Program Portfolios: Documenting Teachers’ Growth in Reflection-Based Inquiry

Technology & Computers

Using Digital Primary Sources to Teach Historical Perspective to Preservice Teachers
Effectiveness of Computer-Assisted Instruction in Statistics: A Meta-Analysis
Unpacking the “Total PACKage”: Emergent TPACK Characteristics From a Study of Preservice Teachers Teaching With Technology

Theories & Approaches

It Is Complicated: Unpacking the Flow of Teacher Education’s Impact on Student Learning

Trends in Teacher Education

Preparing Globally Competent Teachers: A New Imperative for Teacher Education
Transforming Teacher Education to Reform America’s P-20 Education System
April 2012
The newsletter contains references to all the new items added to the ITEC Portal.

MOFET ITEC Portal website: http://itec.macam.ac.il/portal/

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All recent items