Nov. 24, 2014
Dear subscriber, 
MOFET ITEC Portal Newsletter

Dear Subscriber, 

We are delighted to be sending you another issue of The International Portal of Teacher Education resource list, focusing on teacher education, pedagogy, instruction, and the professional development of teachers.

During the month of November MOFET's International Channel hosted 3 delegations of teachers and researchers from Africa, Europe and Asia, who came to meet us at The MOFET Institute in Tel-Aviv.
As always, meetings and discussions with our fellow-educators from around the world is the best way to exchange ideas and share knowledge. 

We welcome our new subscribers, and if you enjoy reading our newsletter, please pass the word on and invite your colleagues to join our growing global community. 
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Wishing you interesting reading,

The MOFET Portal Team

November 24, 2014 International Portal of Teacher Education
Please note: a complete list of recent additions to the portal follows the Featured Items.
November 2014
Featured Items
Developing an Online Community of In-Service Teachers
This article is based on the experience gained with an online learning community developed as part of a pilot project that followed a national research study of in-service career and technical education (CTE) administrators and teachers. The authors summarize the most salient points when designing a learning community website, the following features need to be in place to promote interaction: clarify the goals of the website, its function and limitations; ensure privacy from the outside and a psychologically safe environment; ensure that community members understand the features of the website; structure authentic learning tasks, dialog, and posting activity to match the goals of the course; a facilitator or moderator should encourage and reinforce the initial postings, especially from novices; encourage threaded discussion groups to form according to problem topic or academic area; and activities will need to have time limits.
Shared Viewing as an Approach to Transforming Early Field Experiences
This article describes a project that sought to provide meaningful remote early field experiences for teacher candidates enrolled in distance teacher education courses. The focus of this study was to examine how candidates experienced the online field component, which was consistently structured for both methods courses. The findings reveal that a multitude of themes emerged: shared viewing that enhanced field experiences by making them more meaningful and relevant, created opportunities for social learning and reflection, and served as a bridge between classroom learning and experiences in the field. The authors argue that collaboration may be the key to survival in an age where economic conditions find teachers competing for positions and evaluated based on their ability to function as a leader within professional learning communities.
National Assessments for Student Teachers: Documenting Teaching Readiness to the Tipping Point
To evaluate the impact of the emergent national teacher performance assessment (TPA) on student teachers (STs), this study examined a pilot implementation at one university in Washington State during Spring 2011. The findings reveal that there are some potential benefits to the TPA that may positively affect student and teacher learning. The finding show that STs report greater levels of reflection enabling them to better focus on student thinking. Similarly, university supervisors see the TPA as an opportunity to shift the analysis of teaching episodes to the ST, thereby developing more complex pedagogical thinking in teacher candidates.
Expanding Our 'Frames' of Mind for Education and the Arts
In this article, the author explores the role of the arts in education through the lens of current research in cognitive neuroscience. The article explains that although arts education has largely used multiple intelligences theory to substantiate its presence in classrooms and schools, this relationship has ultimately hindered the field of arts education's understanding of the relationship between the arts, human development, and learning. The author argues that as we strive toward the new theory of whole-mindedness, learners can be freed from their labeling - and so can the arts in education. The arts not only represent a wide spectrum of crafts and domains valued by society in so many ways, but also represent core modalities that align with cognitive constructs in the mind-brain - constructs that are critical to our development as individuals and to a society that has entered a visual revolution.
Teachers’ Perspectives on Environmental Education in Multicultural Contexts: Towards Culturally-Responsive Environmental Education
This article explores teachers’ perspectives on enacting environmental education (EE) in a multicultural context. In understanding teacher strategies in adapting EE to a multicultural context and teacher views on the obstacles encountered, the authors found that teacher strategies reflected aspects of progressive EE in extending beyond simple knowledge-awareness to emphasizing changes in behavior and nurturing of ownership. The findings revealed that challenges included value clashes, a lack of common lived experiences, and reconciling contradictory educational perspectives and political policies, which often placed teachers in paradoxical positions. The findings suggest moving toward practices of culturally-responsive environmental education (CrEE) that demand more than awareness but include interactive dialogue.
November 2014
All Recent Items
Multiculturalism & Diversity
Teachers’ Perspectives on Environmental Education in Multicultural Contexts: Towards Culturally-Responsive Environmental Education

Professional Development

What about Language While Equitably Assessing Science?: Case Studies of Preservice Teachers’ Evolving Expertise
The Influence of Professional Development on Educators' Instructional Conversations in Preschool Classrooms

Instruction in Teacher Training

Shared Viewing as an Approach to Transforming Early Field Experiences
More or Better Student Teaching?
Innovative Learning Environments: About Traditional and New Patterns of Learning
Preservice Professional Preparation and Teachers’ Self-Efficacy Appraisals of Natural Environment and Inclusion Practices

Research Methods

When ‘Research Ethics’ Become ‘Everyday Ethics’: The Intersection of Inquiry and Practice in Practitioner Research

Mentoring & Supervision

Opening the Black Box of Field Experiences: How Cooperating Teachers’ Beliefs and Practices Shape Student Teachers’ Beliefs and Practices

Teacher Educators

Perceptions of Identity among Finnish University-Based Subject Teacher Educators

Preservice Teachers

Educational Equality or Social Mobility: The Value Conflict between Preservice Teachers and the Free Teacher Education Program in China
Motivations for Choosing Teaching as a Career: An International Comparison Using the FIT-Choice Scale
Becoming A Teacher: Student Teachers’ Experiences and Perceptions about Teaching Practice
Preservice Teachers’ Perspectives of the Emphasis on Stewardship from Their Initial Teacher Preparation
A Student Whisperer's Challenge: Complex Learner Dispositions and the Relational Nature of Teaching

Beginning Teachers

Multilingual Primary Classrooms: An Investigation of First Year Teachers’ Learning and Responsive Teaching
Community and Conversation: Tackling Beginning Teacher Doubt and Disillusion

Assessment & Evaluation

National Assessments for Student Teachers: Documenting Teaching Readiness to the Tipping Point

ICT & Teaching

Developing an Online Community of In-Service Teachers
Using Digital Photographs to Stimulate a Group Portfolio Learning Journey

Theories & Approaches

Creating Foundations for Collaboration in Schools: Utilizing Professional Learning Communities to Support Teacher Candidate Learning and Visions of Teaching
School Segregation and Math Achievement: A Mixed-Method Study on the Role of Self-Fulfilling Prophecies
Inclusive Education: Pre-service Teachers' Reflexive Learning on Diversity and Their Challenging Role
Preparing Classroom Teachers to Be Cooperating Teachers: A Report of Current Efforts, Beliefs, Challenges, and Associated Recommendations

Trends in Teacher Education

Expanding Our 'Frames' of Mind for Education and the Arts
November 2014
The newsletter contains references to all the new items added to the ITEC Portal.

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All recent items