Apr. 04, 2016
Dear subscriber, 
MOFET ITEC Portal Newsletter

Dear Subscriber,

We are delighted to be sending the monthly newsletter of the International Portal of Teacher Education, containing the latest articles on teacher education, pedagogy, and instruction that have been published in academic journals.

This year's International Day of The MOFET Institute's TEC Center, “Let’s Connect Through Stories”, will take place ONLINE on Tuesday, April 12, 2016 between 9:00 am and 10:00 pm.
Thousands of children, teachers, student teachers, leading scholars, renowned researchers, and policy makers from different cultures, both local and international, will connect to discuss, tell stories, and interact in protected online and virtual environments.
Join us for this special and unique encounter.

Wishing you interesting and enjoyable reading,

The MOFET Portal Team

April 4, 2016 International Portal of Teacher Education
Please note: a complete list of recent additions to the portal follows the Featured Items.
April 2016
Featured Items
Differentiated Coaching: Developmental Needs of Coaches
This article reports on a case study of a school that had ongoing coaching for up to six years. The study focused on coachees’ perspectives, in particular what factors allowed them to achieve their set coaching goals. The investigation into longitudinal coaching (one to six years) indicated how coaches positioned themselves or peers, when reflecting on and seeking to establish why some coaching goals were more achievable than others. A key finding was that coaching goals were deemed attainable when they aligned with coachees’ specific focus, which was reflected by the six core themes that emerged: Pragmatic I, Pragmatic We, Student Driven, Team Driven, Data Driven, Research Driven. The seventh theme (temporality) indicated that over time coachees’ dominant concerns shifted to become less of a focus with other overriding needs emerging.
Reflective Practice as “Enrichment”: How New Early Childhood Teachers Enact Preservice Values in Their Classrooms
This study followed a cohort of new early childhood teachers from preparation into their first year of teaching, giving voice to their challenges and triumphs, and insight into the elements of their preparation program which they continued to value and build on in their classroom practice. The findings revealed that participants’ perceptions on those elements of the program which best guided their decisions in practice, such as reflective thinking about their daily work and child observation and inquiry. Overall, although the participants expressed feeling less prepared in terms of specific curricula which aligned with their particular teaching settings, they seemed to feel most prepared in those skills that can be applied broadly across a wide variety of classrooms and educational contexts, such as observation, reflection, and differentiation.
The Teacher Educator’s Role in Promoting Institutional Versus Individual Teacher Well-Being
This article examines the teacher educator’s role in promoting resilience within new teachers in the light of tensions between what is healthy and sustainable for individual teachers vs. the institutions in which they work. The article concludes with specific recommendations for those in the international teacher education community. These recommendations include innovating university school partnerships to directly link individual and institutional well-being; structured opportunities for ‘mindfulness-based’ training; providing opportunities for candidates to analyse ‘cases’ of teaching from a macro-micro perspective; and learning how to take a professional stance.
Preschool Teacher Competence Viewed from the Perspective of Students in Early Childhood Teacher Education
The purpose of this article was to explore dimensions of Swedish preschool teachers’ competence from a student perspective . The findings revealed that students’ definitions of preschool teacher competence were composed of six different dimensions: a general pedagogical competence, specific content competence, distinct teacher competence, play competence, competence of child perspective, and collaborative and social competence. This study contributes to the ambition of seeking out a ‘red thread’ of common understanding of what constitutes early years’ teacher competence.
The Integration of Environmental Education into Two Elementary Preservice Science Methods Courses: A Content-Based and a Method-Based Approach
In this study, the authors were interested to examine the notion of environmental education (EE) as context for integrating the elementary curricula. They examined preservice teachers’ understandings of EE, their ideas to incorporate EE into their future teaching, and their conceptions of EE as a context for integration. The results support the incorporation of EE activities and instruction in science methods courses to enhance instruction in science content and teaching methods. The authors also suggest an explicit focus in the methods course on science and engineering content, inquiry, and cross-cutting concepts as they relate to EE. Results from this study suggest that elementary science methods instructors can include some of this content and method in elementary science method courses.
April 2016
All Recent Items
Multiculturalism & Diversity
Helping the Marginalised or Supporting the Elite? Affirmative Action as a Tool for Increasing Access to Higher Education for Ethnic Roma

Instruction in Teacher Training

Prospective Primary Teachers’ Self-efficacy and Emotions in Science Teaching
The Seminar Course in Teacher Education: Perspectives of Teachers and Students
The Integration of Environmental Education into Two Elementary Preservice Science Methods Courses: A Content-Based and a Method-Based Approach
Investigating the Unit of Study Approach as a Way to Teach Writing to Early Childhood Education Preservice Teachers
Providing Written Feedback on Students’ Mathematical Arguments: Proof Validations of Prospective Secondary Mathematics Teachers
Prospective Secondary Mathematics Teachers’ Pedagogical Knowledge for Teaching the Estimation of Length Measurements

Mentoring & Supervision

Differentiated Coaching: Developmental Needs of Coaches

Teacher Educators

The Teacher Educator’s Role in Promoting Institutional Versus Individual Teacher Well-Being
Professionally Developing as a Teacher Educator

Teacher Education Programs

Critical Perspectives on Testing Teaching: Reframing Teacher Education for English Medium Instruction

Preservice Teachers

Pre-service and In-service Teachers’ Beliefs about Teaching and Learning Chemistry in Turkey
Preschool Teacher Competence Viewed from the Perspective of Students in Early Childhood Teacher Education
Climate Change in the Preservice Teacher’s Mind
Before Student Teaching: How Undergraduate Students in Early Childhood Teacher Preparation Programs Describe Their Early Classroom-Based Experience
Practicum Experience: Pre-service Teachers’ Self-perception of their Professional Growth
Pre-service Elementary School Teachers’ Ability to Account for the Operation of Simple Physical Systems Using the Energy Conservation Law

Beginning Teachers

Reflective Practice as “Enrichment”: How New Early Childhood Teachers Enact Preservice Values in Their Classrooms
The Influence of Informal Science Education Experiences on the Development of Two Beginning Teachers’ Science Classroom Teaching Identity

Assessment & Evaluation

Examining the Quality of Technology Implementation in STEM Classrooms: Demonstration of an Evaluative Framework
Assessing Attitudes toward Mathematics across Teacher Education Contexts

ICT & Teaching

Guidance for Technology Decisions from Classroom Observation
Using Live Dual Modeling to Help Preservice Teachers Develop TPACK

Theories & Approaches

Narratives of Learning to Teach: Taking on Professional Identities
Development of Teachers as Scientists in Research Experiences for Teachers Programs
Toward Understanding the Nature of a Partnership Between an Elementary Classroom Teacher and an Informal Science Educator
Linking Research and Teaching: Context, Conflict and Complementarity
Understanding “Core Practices” and “Practice-Based” Teacher Education: Learning From the Past
An Investigation into Higher Education Student and Lecturer Views on Research Publication and their Interest in the Production of a College Partnership Science Journal

Trends in Teacher Education

Teacher education changes in China: 1974–2014
April 2016
The newsletter contains references to all the new items added to the ITEC Portal.

MOFET ITEC Portal website: http://itec.macam.ac.il/portal/

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If you are having trouble reading this newsletter it is also available at: http://itec.macam.ac.il/portal/NewsletterArchive.aspx.

All recent items