Feb. 06, 2017
Dear subscriber, 
MOFET ITEC Portal Newsletter

Dear Subscriber,

We are delighted to be sending the monthly newsletter of the International Portal of Teacher Education, containing the latest articles on teacher education, pedagogy, and instruction that have been published in academic journals.

We invite you to join our online seminars, which afford a professional framework for enrichment encounters among colleagues in the international education community:

February 2017 - Breaching Classroom Borders – Approaches & Tools

March 2017 - The Wellbeing of Learners & Teachers in Educational Institutions: Theoretical & Practical Aspects​​​​ (This seminar is a collaborative initiative of The MOFET Institute and the Research and Development group in Teacher Psychologies of the ATEE)

For more details please click here. We are looking forward to seeing you and your colleagues among our students!

Wishing you interesting reading,

The MOFET Portal Team

February 6, 2017 International Portal of Teacher Education
Please note: a complete list of recent additions to the portal follows the Featured Items.
February 2017
Featured Items
Some Reflections on the Links between Teacher Education and Peace Education: Interrogating the Ontology of Normative Epistemological Premises
This article provides a critique of the essentialized assumptions about identity, culture and education that are found in contemporary peace education literature. Furthermore, it explores the implications that these assumptions have for teacher education in conflict and post-conflict societies. A major challenge for teacher education in conflict and post-conflict societies is how to create openings that take these complexities into consideration and create openings which address the limitations imposed by the nation-state. Finally, the authors propose the idea of teachers becoming critical design experts, in order to create openings for a renewed relationship between teacher education and peace education.
Is This a Meaningful Learning Experience? Interactive Critical Self-inquiry as Investigation
This paper documents a self-study on the authors' actions-in-practice in a peer mentoring project. The investigation involved an iterative process to improve their knowledge as teacher educators, reflective practitioners, and researchers. The authors conclude that they present their analysis of competing pedagogical tensions that were overlooked and consequently led to a less than meaningful learning experience. Recognizing and appreciating the tensions and their impacts required reflecting on their individual actions through dialogue and shared writing. The author's use of metaphors also helped them to investigate what they were each thinking and feeling.
Making It Better for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Students through Teacher Education: A Collaborative Self-Study
In this self-study, two educators – a university professor and a classroom teacher, who facilitated a workshop titled “Sexual Diversity in Secondary Schools” in a faculty of education in a mid-sized Ontario city – reflect on the feedback provided by teacher candidates on workshop evaluation forms in relation to their experiences as teacher educators delivering the workshops. The authors conclude that the two-hour Sexual Diversity in Secondary Schools workshop that they presented in a Bachelor of Education program is one example of how LGBT issues might be taught to teacher candidates. Through this self-study, they came to better understand their students and ourselves. They discovered that teacher candidates are increasingly receptive to discussion of LGBT issues, particularly when portrayed in a manner that is respectful and open.
Student Teachers’ and Mentor Teachers’ Perceptions and Expectations of a Mentoring Relationship: Do They Match or Clash?
This study investigates mentor teachers’ and student teachers’ perceptions of the components of a positive mentoring relationship and its impact on the identity formation of student teachers. The findings revealed that emotional and academic support, an open line of communication and feedback were regarded as key elements of a positive mentoring relationship by both parties. However, a key difference was shown in the participants’ perceptions toward the impact of the mentoring relationship on student teachers’ identity. The research found that student teachers considered the impact of the mentoring relationship on their identity development to be highly significant, whereas only three mentor teachers held this view.
YouTube Acceptance by University Educators and Students: A Cross-Cultural Perspective
This study aims to establish how university students’ and educators’ perceptions of YouTube in two different cultures, Japan and USA, affect their intentions to use this technology. This study attempts to predict and compare factors influencing YouTube acceptance among university students and educators in two very different cultures, Japan and the USA, applying the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT). The authors conclude that even though UTAUT’s four predictors can explain YouTube acceptance to a high degree, the influence of each predictor on YouTube acceptance varies significantly according to the cultural environment and the role of the teachers and the learners.
February 2017
All Recent Items
Multiculturalism & Diversity
Making It Better for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Students through Teacher Education: A Collaborative Self-Study

Professional Development

Features of Effective Professional Learning: A Case Study of the Implementation of a System-Based Professional Learning Model

Instruction in Teacher Training

Some Reflections on the Links between Teacher Education and Peace Education: Interrogating the Ontology of Normative Epistemological Premises
“Why Do You Make Me Hate Myself?”: Re-Teaching Whiteness, Abuse, and Love in Urban Teacher Education
Pre-service Physical Education Teachers’ Indigenous Knowledge, Cultural Competency and Pedagogy: A Service Learning Intervention
Self-study of Practice as a Framework to Promote Growth in the Student Teaching Experience
An Investigation into the Contents and Aspects of College Students’ Reflective thoughts during Field Experience Description of concrete experiences
Teaching Creativity in a Master’s Level Educational Technology Course

Research Methods

Is This a Meaningful Learning Experience? Interactive Critical Self-inquiry as Investigation

Mentoring & Supervision

Student Teachers’ and Mentor Teachers’ Perceptions and Expectations of a Mentoring Relationship: Do They Match or Clash?
Special Education Teachers’ Experiences Supporting and Supervising Paraeducators: Implications for Special and General Education Settings
Evaluating a Psychology Graduate Student Peer Mentoring Program

Teacher Educators

Facilitating Self-study of Teacher Education Practices: Toward A Pedagogy of Teacher Educator Professional Development
Being and Becoming a Mathematics Teacher Educator in and for Differing Contexts: Some Lessons Learned

Teacher Education Programs

Cultivating Environmental Citizenship in Teacher Education
Common Core Preparation in Special Education Teacher Education Programs: Beginning the Conversation
The Search for Role Clarity: Challenges and Implications for Special Education Teacher Preparation

Preservice Teachers

Measuring Pre-service Teachers’ Asia Literacy and their Preparedness to Teach Asia
Preservice Teachers’ Perceptions of Challenging Behavior

Beginning Teachers

“That’s My Job”: Comparing the Beliefs of More and Less Accomplished Special Educators Related to Their Roles and Responsibilities

ICT & Teaching

YouTube Acceptance by University Educators and Students: A Cross-Cultural Perspective
The 'Mediating Teacher' Model for Distance Teaching and Learning
Beyond Right Or Wrong: Challenges of Including Creative Design Activities in the Classroom
Assessment of Creativity in Arts and STEM Integrated Pedagogy by Pre-service Elementary Teachers

Theories & Approaches

Aspirations for a Master’s-Level Teaching Profession in England
Preparing Teachers for Family–School Partnerships: A Dutch and Belgian Perspective
Acceptance of Virtual Worlds as Learning Space
Looking Back and Moving Ahead: A Content Analysis of Two Teacher Education Journals

Trends in Teacher Education

Retaining Public and Political Trust: Teacher Education in Scotland
21st Century Change Drivers: Considerations for Constructing Transformative Models of Special Education Teacher Development
February 2017
The newsletter contains references to all the new items added to the ITEC Portal.

MOFET ITEC Portal website: http://itec.macam.ac.il/portal/

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If you are having trouble reading this newsletter it is also available at: http://itec.macam.ac.il/portal/NewsletterArchive.aspx.

All recent items