Developing an Educational Performance Indicator for New Millennium Learners

Winter, 2010

Source: Journal of Research on Technology in Education, Vol. 43, No. 2, p. 157–170 (Winter, 2010).
(Reviewed by the Portal Team)

The purpose of this study was to identify critical factors expected in new-millennium learners (NMLs) competencies to prepare for their future and to construct an indicator of educational performance with valid and reliable criteria.

The researchers developed the measurement of educational performance for NMLs on the basis of previous research and theoretical background related to 21st century competencies for NMLs.
The researchers also conducted a meeting of experts, pilot studies, and a nationwide survey to define and refine a concept of educational performance required by a knowledge society.

As the study progressed from a conceptual framework to EFA and CFA analyses, the indicator of educational performance was validated.

Conclusion and Implications

The researchers drew the following conclusions from the results.

First, the study suggests that future learners might need core competencies in the cognitive, affective, and sociocultural aspects of educational performance in the future.
To equip learners with these competencies, learning objectives and activities should be designed to foster an authentic environment.

Second, the educational system should be able to determine intellectual as well as educational performance levels more accurately.

Updated: Jul. 31, 2012
